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Turn off frame around detailed view.


Turn off frame around detailed view.


Basically all in the title. Why can I not turn this off (technical reason please). There are many reasons why you should be able to turned this off, and I am sure many reasons for having it. Yet I have had clients (and bosses) asking "whats this edge?". Well, I tell them, its a line I can not turn off (unless I want to turn the whole layer off which removes all break lines in the entire drawing). If you right click on the detail view box/circle on the main view and go to options you can select 'smooth cut out shape', Which puts a thick black line around the detailed view, select 'full detail boundary' which seems to make the line thinner and it highlights when hovered over (but you can not turn it off) or have a jagged line which most of the time just ends in a mess where there's cuts and jagged edges into the view obscuring things that should be visible. It's possible to turn off cropped edges. I have gone so far as to try and crop a detailed view so I could get rid of the lines but obviously inventor does not allow you to crop a detail. That would be a stupid work around anyway. So my current work around is to import a copy of the base view, crop it down to what I want as the detail, label it as 'Detail X' then sketch a box on my original base view corresponding to to the crop I have just made and add a leader to this sketched box saying 'Detail X' which I am sure everyone can see is an awful thing to be doing.  


If any developers read this please can you go in to detail as to why this is not possible? Not just say it's not possible at this moment, as I've found people asking similar things to this from over a decade ago. Is it because a long time ago it was decided that the detailed view boundary and brake line are the same object and now its so tangled in the code that it is seen as too much work to separate?  


Just to be clear I am not asking if this is possible, I know it's not. I'd like to know why it is not possible and has not been implemented. 



8 Replies
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Hi, first let me say... I'm not the developer... just the guy who likes to talk about stuff in this community.  🙂
I THINK I get what you're saying, but would you be able to show a before and after of what you're asking for?  Like, a doctored detail view that looks the way you would like them to look?  Just to satisfy my curiosity....

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Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing



try going to edit layers...hidden view or detail view...turn off the light bulb and close..


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That turns off the Detail View label, but not the edges in the view itself.  The "X's" in my image.  I believe that @j.lodgeFA72U is trying to remove the lines I have circled below.  Those, it turns out, are on Layer "Break Line".



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Chris Benner
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Hi! Another option is to use Crop View to create a focus. You may create a base view with bigger scale. Then crop it so only the focal area will show up. However, it is not the official "Detail View."

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


This is exactly what I am after. However I know its not possible. I am just wondering why it's it possible. Sorry @CGBenner  I was writing a reply yesterday but then got called away. But yet these are the lines I do not want it is possible to remove them if you turn off the break-line layer. However this obviously removes all break-lines from the entire drawing. Thank you for having a look in to it. 



@johnsonshiue Thank you for your response. Yes this is what I have been doing or turning the break-line layer off. However both these have undesired outcomes. For example I want a detail of a section view which contains break lines but you can not crop views that contain breaks just line you are unable to crop detailed views. If I turn off the break-line layer then the break is still there but no break-lines.  Please see attached file for example. there is no way to remove the think black border. 




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A detail of a section gets even trickier.  I don’t have a solution for that, but I have a thought on why it may have been designed that way.  Detail and section views are generally governed by ASME Y 14.5 standard.  At least that is what I was able to figure out from Google.  To actually show the text of the standard, you have to pay a chunk of money…. Sadly.  But from what I was able to see, that standard tells how detail and section views should look (among other things).  So the existence of those lines in CAD software probably came from there.  Adding the ability to turn them off individually or as needed is probably one for the Ideas forum at this point in time.

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Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing


The way I solve this is how @CGBenner & @johnsonshiue mentioned. If I understand them correctly, then I have 2 methods for doing this:

1. Instead of manually drawing a border around the detail area and adding a label, I do a normal Detail and then move the actual scaled detail off the drawing. Then I do like you do by making a cropped view and giving it the same label designation. So if the view label is 'A', then both views get that 'A' in the view edit db. That method eliminates the manual work.

2. Make a cropped view and then Detail IT.

Either way, there's problems downstream when things change. But since this is a rare occurrence for me (b/c I use the detail leader line a lot like in structural work) it's not much of a hassle.

Too bad there wasn't an easy way to link drawing labels. But that would make this a double work-around!

... Chris
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