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Templates / project settings

Message 1 of 19
412 Views, 18 Replies

Templates / project settings

Hi all

We are having an issue with template files. If i open a particular template file off the shared network folder where we keep template files, i get one set of settings. If i use the template to create a new IDW, i get a different bunch of settings (not the ones i want basically).

Can someone shed some light on what is going on here, and how we can improve this our end?

See below for screen grabs of the two different settings, and the project file settings being used. The template file is from a 3rd party so would prefer not to share here if at all possible, but let's see.


Mattour project fileour project filecorrect settingscorrect settingsincorrect settingsincorrect settings

Message 2 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

This is probably nothing wrong with the template.  I believe it is a Style Library issue.  Are you getting a message when you start the drawing regarding styles not matching?


You said this template is from a 3rd party.  Do you also have a Style Library to go with it, or just the template?


If you have a matching 3rd party Style Library, it looks like you may not have Inventor or your Project File set to use it.


If you don't have a matching Style Library from the 3rd party, you may need to set your Project File's "Use Style Library" setting from "Read Write" to "No".

Message 3 of 19
in reply to: jtylerbc

Thanks for the repl.

When i create a new IDW using the template, i don't get a warning. But i may have told inventor not to show that warning anymore, not sure.

Do you know why i get the two different settings? I struggle to get my head around this part of Inventor unfortunately!

Message 4 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

Usually Template don't keep any Style.

Style will be from the computer and Project use.


The "Default Standard (ISO)" come with Inventor.  Every user has it on their computer.

Most just make changes to it instead of making a new Standard.

All good until they get files from other users.

Same Standard and Style names with different changes.  Hence "Style conflict".


Which Standard are you supposed to use?

"AC Default Standard (ISO)" or "Default Standard (ISO)"


I use my own Standard name and Styles names.  No conflict because nobody else name them like me.

Message 5 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

@Frederick_Law  @jtylerbc Would probably used Default standard (ISO) in this instance. We work for so many different companies, using their templates and such, that our local styles might have been overwritten at some point.

If i follow correctly: when i open the template file from our template location, which is on our shared network drive, because this is outside of the project file "working folder" it open styles from a different location?

When i create a new IDW using this template, it opens styles from the usual place?

My thinking is that i would save the correct style settings when i open the template, but this will overwrite this style for all users of the project file i think. Which may not be ideal, but as the style is set to first angle ((which we never use) i can probably get away with it. Sorry if this sounds confusing, but i am slightly  confused!


Message 6 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

@mjc_design wrote:


If i follow correctly: when i open the template file from our template location, which is on our shared network drive, because this is outside of the project file "working folder" it open styles from a different location?



Template location got nothing to do with Style location.

Style location is set in Project.

As long as you use same Project to open file, they use same Style library.


What do you mean and how do you: open file "outside of the project file working folder".

And you have Vault?

Message 7 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

I think you're on the right track, but you may be thinking it's more complicated than it really is.


  • If your Project File is set to use a Style Library (either as Read Only or Read/Write), the styles in your template get ignored.  Instead Inventor uses the styles in the Style Library.  When this is the case, if there are styles in the library and the template that are different but have the same name, you will get the style conflict error message I was talking about before.  Unless you have told it to not show it, of course.
  • The Style Library location is defined by the "Design Data" file path in your Application Options.  It can also be overridden by the Design Data setting in the Project File.  You have a setting for Design Data in your Project File screenshot, so it looks like that may be the case for you.  
  • If you Save the styles from the template to the Style Library, it will affect everyone that uses that Library (regardless of whether it is the same Project File or not).
  • If you set the "Use Style Library" setting in the Project File to "No", you will get the styles as they are in the template file, and the Library gets ignored instead.  This will affect everyone that uses that Project File, but has no affect on the library since you're telling Inventor not to use it.
Message 8 of 19
in reply to: Frederick_Law

@frederick Thanks for replying again

Our working folder is set to the C drive on my PC.

Our templates sit in a Network drive called G drive.

So when i open the template from the G drive (rather than create a new IDW), that is outside of the Project file definition of working folder location - i think that's right yes?

Just trying to understand how i can get two different style settings from 1 file


Message 9 of 19
in reply to: jtylerbc

@jtylerbc Thanks for the detailed reply

I can see in application options that the default Style settings are buried somewhere in the program files, which is different to the project file settings.


Is this why i get two different style settings from the one template, depending on how i open it?



Message 10 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

Also, i am unable to save my style settings to the style library due to a migration issue. We operate a few different versions of Inventor depending on what customer we are working for

style save.JPG

Message 11 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

@mjc_design wrote:


Is this why i get two different style settings from the one template, depending on how i open it?


Technically possible, but only if the two different ways you opened it involved changing what project file you were using. 


If not, it's more likely to be the point I made previously about different styles in the template vs. the library and you having turned off the warning message about that.

Message 12 of 19
in reply to: jtylerbc


I think the best solution right now is to rename the style in the template, so that it no longer matches what's in the library. So if i change the name of default standard (ISO) in the IDW template file, i think this will eliminate the problem?

Message 13 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

Seems like that could work.  The other option I can think of is to change your Project File to not use the Style Library.  But that's not a great solution if you need the library for other styles and only this one is causing a problem.

Message 14 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

@mjc_design wrote:

@frederick Thanks for replying again

Our working folder is set to the C drive on my PC.

Our templates sit in a Network drive called G drive.

So when i open the template from the G drive (rather than create a new IDW), that is outside of the Project file definition of working folder location - i think that's right yes?

Just trying to understand how i can get two different style settings from 1 file


Open Template and use Template to start new file is 2 different thing.

Your Template has edited/changed local Styles.  Replace them from Library or copy them to Library.


Template should have same Styles as Library.

Message 15 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

Check Styles in your Template to see which one is local and changed:


Message 16 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

Oh one more thing about Template.

By default, IV will use all the Standard.* Templates.

So they all should have same Styles as your Library.

Message 17 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

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Message 18 of 19
in reply to: Frederick_Law

Still struggling to get my head around these styles:

In the below image CKF is the active standard


and the standard should only be using the CKF dimension style


But when i do a dimension it uses "by standard" which i'm pretty sure ends up being default ISO. Not the one i want it to use.

When i looked in the Design data folder i couldn't find the styles in there (like Default Standard ISO, CKF, etc...) so it doesn't work how i thought it did.

Basically i would really like to have this template (and all our templates) not use Default Standard ISO at all - how can i do that?







Message 19 of 19
in reply to: mjc_design

Hi Matt,


I suspect the styles in your template and the styles in the library are out-of-sync. As a result, when you start up a new drawing, the library styles override the template styles. If possible, please share the drawing template file. It would be much easier to tell where the problem is.

Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer

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