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STEP file import - identify identical parts

Message 1 of 5
1120 Views, 4 Replies

STEP file import - identify identical parts



I've got a STEP file from my client and the file is an assembly that has been saved as a single part. When I make components of this STEP file, I get parts base1, base2 .... base400 (for example). Each separate instance of the same part is a new part (e.g. base237). Is it possible to identify same parts (with the same geometry) and substitute them with a single part instead? So that I get 20 parts that repeat, instead of 400 new parts, many of which are identical (there are many bolts, nuts and washers, for example). 


My client does not have an access to save STEP file in different format (because it would be a long and complicated route to trace the original author of the file through the network of subcontractors.) 


Thank you. 



Message 2 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

Probably not.  A base component does not have an dimensional features to compare.  You are going to have to do it manually.  I would suggest eliminating all the fastener bodies and then work with the other parts.  Fasteners can be added later.

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John Hackney

Beyond the Drafting Board

Message 3 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi! Indeed, there isn't an automated way to do that at the moment. I would simply hide all the solid bodies and then unhide anything not nuts and bolts.

There is a semi-automated way though. Try this workflow and see if it works for you.


1) Open the multi-solid body part.

2) Go to Manage -> Make Components -> select all bodies and push them into individual parts. You will get 400 unique parts in an assembly.

3) Go to the assembly -> Manage -> Update Mass -> BOM.

4) Add Mass as a column to the BOM table.

5) Sort the Mass column. You should be able to see the parts with the same mass. Usually they are the same occurrences.


Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer
Message 4 of 5
in reply to: johnsonshiue

Thank you very much, this mass comparison solution is better than having to find every occurance and compare it to one another by measuring dimensions. 

Message 5 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi technolog,

If this is still an issue for you, there is now an automated solution for this. See the Duplicate Replacer app.


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