For achieving the max resultion wireframe "render" with wireframe, visable edges only.
- Set your colour scheme to presentation, 1 color, white.
- Set up view to capture. (DONT MOVE THE MOUSE)
- Settings, View, Visual Style, Wireframe, Visable Edges Only.
- File, Export, Image
- Choose PNG and go to options.
- Set width (X) to the max 10000, set the Height (Y) to whatever the correct Aspect ratio of the view. (Use a screencap tool to find out what the extents and dimension of the current view is. Then use online online Aspect ratio converter calculator to find the 10000 x ???? value)
- Make sure transparent background is toggled on.
- Hit save.
This method results in higher quility than simply screen caping. Most times for renders and pictorials you want the wireframe lines and shaded colours to blend in editing applications.
For quick low dpi scenerios the best options is to screen cap with Wireframe - Visble edges only. Then set the view to Realistic and turn on ray tracing with draft quality mode. (High takes too much time and still shows grainy quality if you zoom in.) The main issue is the resultion is limited to your desktop monitor resolution.
My prefered rending method for full color would be to intially do the steps above to get the wireframe lines. Then whilst not moving your screen, go into Inventor studio. Render image. Now the limitations are set to a max of 4000 width. 😞 (Please increase this Autodesk). Make sure to go into output, save rendered image, select a location and hit options. Select 300 dpi and set alpha layer. Lighting is still broken so select draft mode (not high).
You will have to experiment with iterations and time of render using Studio but I recommend to try 1000 iterations on large assemblies as a baseline. YMMV... experiment. You will also have to experiment with lighting styles.