Hello Folks,
Longtime SolidWorks user...
I have an Inventor part where I would like to create what SolidWorks calls 2 "configurations": Configuration 1 (Short") will have extruded cut A suppressed and extruded cut B unsuppresed. Configuration 2 (Long) will have extruded cut A unsuppressed and extruded cut B suppressed.
It's that simple.
I am aware Inventor has a table-driven iParts deal. I cannot figure-out how to get what I want.
How do I get a configurable part I want?
Create your part file and save it..
Then.. manage tab.. author section click on "Create ipart"
A table should open up.. (the ipart author table)..
Create 2 members in the lower section..
Go to the "suppression" tab
Find those features you want to suppress and double click on them to add those columns to the members below..
Then change the data in that column to "suppress" or "compute" and then click ok..
A new node in the model browser will show up (Table) near the top.. Expand it.. Select both members and right click and select "generate members"..
Now you should be able to double click on those 2 members in the table section and see your model update..
and each of those can be placed into an assembly or whatever..
Thats the "basics"... You can also perform suppression,etc.. outside of the ipart table.. after you have created your members by activating one of them and then changing to "edit member scope" instead of "edit factory scope (this is accessible in the manage tab/author section again).. Then you can suppress features in the model browser vs doing it through the table..
That should get you going..
Hi melvin.burk,
In order to prevent someone from spending time creating an example that you can not open, it's best to state the version of Inventor that you are using.
In your case I know that it's Inventor 2013 from a previous thread.
To the ipart question:
I hope this helps.
Best of luck to you in all of your Inventor pursuits,
In Inventor we have a single file called the "factory" and the "configurations" are called "members"..
When you generate the members individual part files are created in a separate folder but you never need to open/access them..
When you want any of the members in an assembly you place the "factory" file into the assembly and it will let you choose which member you want..
You never place or need to open or anything those member files in the member folder..
EVERYTHING is done through the "factory" file..
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