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Inventor freezes before activation with GTX 660

Message 1 of 30
727 Views, 29 Replies

Inventor freezes before activation with GTX 660

Hi gusy,

I got Inventor Pro 2014 and the GTX 660 card. When I run inventor to activate it, it would freeze.

I had read about a similar problem here, they suggest to "Run with Graphics processor", but I don't have it, when I right-click the icon.


What would you suggest?


Thanks guys.


Message 2 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

are you up to date on all your patches for both the computer and inventor. Also what driver are you running for the GTX660

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Mike Davis


Message 3 of 30
in reply to: mdavis22569

Message 4 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

All seems uo to date...


Message 5 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

Anybody? Smiley Happy

Message 6 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

You are running a beta driver, though i'm not sure if that's really the problem.

What do you mean by "they suggest to "Run with Graphics processor", but I don't have it, when I right-click the icon."
What icon are you right-clicking?
Can you give a link to the post with the suggestion?



Also, thinking on this further, what do you mean by "activate"?

Seeing that you somehow arrived at the conclusion it has something to do with your graphic card, i'm a bit confused.

Do you mean starting the application or actually going through the "activate" license proces?


It would be helpfull if you can describe your problem in a bit more detail.

Niels van der Veer
Inventor professional user & 3DS Max enthusiast
Vault professional user/manager
The Netherlands

Message 7 of 30
in reply to: -niels-


The suggestion was here:


Yet I do not have this option , as it appears that Run with Graphics processor option is only on laptops, while I have a desktop.



By activate I do mean activate, i.e. enter the licence details.

Message 8 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

Ah ok, so basically your inventor freezes up on startup?

Does "run as administrator" help?
I think you should look at this from another angle then the videocard.
Did the installation give any problems?
Did you follow the installation instruction? (UAC off, antivirus off, etc.)
Maybe this could be of help:

You can always try posting this problem to the "installation & licensing" subforum, which is more actively monitored by autodesk personnel.

Niels van der Veer
Inventor professional user & 3DS Max enthusiast
Vault professional user/manager
The Netherlands

Message 9 of 30
in reply to: -niels-

>>> Ah ok, so basically your inventor freezes up on startup?


At first I had it installed on another computer and it seemed to work fine. Then I got a new computer with this videocard and placed the SSD from the old computer into the new one. It also worked fine in the beginning, but them I messed something up with activation and it lost it's licence. Now when it loads, it would need to re-activate, but instead of it, I'm just getting the loading screen and it freezes. Sometimes it would unfreeze and close itself in a few minuts, sometimes I have to reboot the computer. Trie reinstalling inventor, tired installing inventor 2015, reinstalling win7, etc. nothing helped.


I'll look into the topic you suggested.

Message 10 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

Tried booting in safe mode, then inventor would just show the loading screen and close.
Message 11 of 30
in reply to: robm1983
Message 12 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

Hmm... if you've already tried reinstalling most of everything, and it still doesn't work, i'd try reposting your problem to the installation & licensing forum.

Give as much detail as you can, like system spec, OS, what you've tried so far, link to this topic, etc.

Sorry i can't be of more help.

Niels van der Veer
Inventor professional user & 3DS Max enthusiast
Vault professional user/manager
The Netherlands

Message 13 of 30
in reply to: -niels-

Reposted there also. I placed an old video card into the new PC, but the results are still the same. 😞

Message 14 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

Win7, 64-bit

AMD FX 8350, 8 core

tried both on ARI Radeon HD 3870 and GTX 660

Message 15 of 30
in reply to: robm1983


 "Run with Graphics processor" is an option for laptop graphics device, for desktop graphics device, no such option.

And the solution posted here is indeed for the laptop problem, not applicable for your case.


It seems to me this problem is more like an issue related with the SSD, but not the graphics cards issue.

Have you reintalled the Win7x64 OS into the SSD?




Message 16 of 30
in reply to: LishuangLu

Sounds like an issue with your Activation being messed up. This is starting to sound like you might want to copy/save all your data to an external device and do a fresh install of Windows with a clean formated HD.

Inventor 2020, In-Cad, Simulation Mechanical

Just insert the picture rather than attaching it as a file
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Delta Tau Chi ΔΤΧ

Message 17 of 30
in reply to: blair

>>> Have you reintalled the Win7x64 OS into the SSD?


Hi Lisa, actually it could be so. Before I had just one 150GB SSD on my old system that worked fine. In the new system I had used the same SSD, as well as added another 250GM one, as a secondary drive. That's when the problems started.


Later I re-installed Win7-64bit onto the first (master) SSD, yet without formating it.


Just now I tried disconnecting the slave SSD, but it didn't help. Do you think I should formad the master and try a clean instalation of Windows again?



Message 18 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

afaik you can't just plug the primary OS hard disk from 1 pc into the next and expect it to work flawlessly as all it's activation/drivers/setup are tied to the hardware of the original pc.


you will need to backup your data, format and reinstall fresh (why it's generally far easier just getting a new hd with the new pc).


Remember to update ALL drivers, not just graphics - eg the motherboard is the backbone of the pc, if those drivers are old then it could impact the entire system.


update windows - Inventor uses .net so at least make sure that's updated.


install Office (possibly optional if you don't plan to use iParts, etc. - we do, so I make sure it's on there)


then install Inventor - making sure to follow the recommended guide (turning off UAC and anti-virus)


to be honest, it sounds like something other than the graphics card is the issue...

Sam M.
Inventor and Showcase monkey

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Message 19 of 30
in reply to: robm1983

I agree with Sam_m's suggestion. Please try to install the OS again by formating everything, before do that, please backup your necessary files.

And another thing which I'm not quite sure is that using the SSD and HD disk together in the same system, I haven't used such devices before, I'm not sure whether there's any setting needed for make these device work well.




Message 20 of 30
in reply to: LishuangLu

SSD as a primary OS drive and a mechanical HD for storage is quite common, so I wouldn't worry about that (assuming they're setup correctly within BIOS).

Sam M.
Inventor and Showcase monkey

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