Another couple questions:
Is there a way to make the TextBox 'hug' the text, so that the TextBox expands/shrinks with the text when using PromptedEntry?
Does anyone know of a TTF that has a background mask that may work in Inventor?
Or maybe I can edit an existing TTF and put a mask behind it and use it as desired?
I had a 'brilliant' idea:
Make a png file of a rectangle and import it into a Symbol.
Well, wouldn't ya know, it didn't work.
I thought for sure that pic file would block anything it sat on in a drawing view!
To reiterate, this is just another of the myriad examples of HALF-ASSED PROGRAMMING by penny-pinching corporate whores. Just another GRANDIOSE DISAPPOINTMENT from a gang of scheming corporate monopolist thieves. Modern corporate monopolies = feudal guilds. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM:
“Coke was not the only judge who argued that monopolies violated the common
law (Weaver of Newbury’s Case, 72 Eng. Rep. 962 [1616?]; Les Brick-Layers &
Tilers v. Les Plaisterers, 81 Eng. Rep. 871 [1624]), but Coke’s name became
permanently associated with freedom of trade. After he retired from
Parliament, he wrote a series of books, the Institutes of the Common Law of
England, that became the training books for generations of lawyers, including
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and John Marshall. Basing his arguments on the
Magna Carta, Coke wrote that “all grants of monopolies are against the ancient
and fundamentall laws of this kingdome”...and therefore the odious.”
(77 Eng. Rep. 1218 [1797]).
UPDATE on TTF background:
Add a color background to a TrueType Font and use it as the font for my masked text.
But that won't work according to this Reddit post:
While it is possible to edit TTF fonts, you cannot make the "background" white.
TTF fonts can only specify opaque and transparent parts (technically, only
the opaque parts are specified and everything else is transparent). The
application that displays that font can chose one single color for the opaque
part. But it cannot make "some parts black and some parts white".
answered Jan 19, 2016 at 15:34 by itchee
... Chris
Win 7 Pro 64 bit + IV 2010 Suite
ASUS X79 Deluxe
Intel i7 3820 4.4 O/C
Nvidia Quadro M5000 8 Gig
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