Adding feature automaticly through an assembly


Adding feature automaticly through an assembly


This is maybe wishful thinking, based on the post previously made by c.baynham 


Is there a way for Inventor to automatically make a feature in an assembly through another part when placing an Ipart?

Doing Imate and Ifeature at the same time.


The picture below showcases an instance where that idea would be amazing.


This is a tube and flange setup going through a rolled sheet metal.


I want to angle it differently, To do that, I need to go into the sheet metal part and change the feature hole, so the tube will angle the way I want to. 


The problem usually is that the customer is not that easy. They want a different size flange, tube, setup and so much more. That means that every project takes a long time to do a relatively small change, because you need to go through multiple parts and assemblies, just to make a small edit. 


The dream would that I would have a tube and flange setup as an Iassembly, place it into my assembly and Imate it where It needs to go, then it would automatically make the hole in the part. 

Like they do in games like Kerbal space program or Robocraft (And yes, I want Inventor to be like a game)


The way I do it now is by making a multibody part. That way I can keep all the hole-making and parts that are not Iparts in one file. It is easy to edit, but hard for others in my apartment to make edits on my project, and vice versa. 












9 Replies
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Hi! Based on my understanding of the request, I think this can be done using iLogic. I don't think iAssembly is a good solution here. It is because iAssembly does not support custom member and all parameters and variations have to be populated on the iAssembly table first.

I recalled there were similar requests before. Please attach the files you are working on. The forum experts can help take a look and propose good workflows.

Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer



I have made this example assembly that showcases the problem I have with lack of efficiency.


Usually the shell would be a part of a multibody part, but I have disregarded it here for the sake of simplicity.


The shell has been made out of a surface that has been thickened out, so the holes gets the correct shape.

That is one of the reasons it takes so long to do an edit.


There could be used a cut-normal feature when making the holes in the shell, but that function only works with separate parts that are sheet metal. Not when it is a multibody part, what I usually do. 





I have been told that multibody sheet metals is a thing now... what version are you running?


Also, wouldn't the Emboss feature create the same output?


Sadly, I am not aware of a method to create cuts when placing parts in the assembly, but I too have seen posts about it.

I wish we could at least include iMates in our iFeatures...


I am using Inventor 2021.


With the multibody sheet metals you are talking about, that is more about the workflow with multibody part to sheet, like this Video (Multi Body Sheet Metal Modeling) talks about. That is the way I do it now but is not up to the task with more complex modeling. 


Emboss feature could do it, but still need a lot to setup so the holes come out the correct shape, like my previous post.


But still nice thinking Lucas 👍


I remember from a previous life that there was a similar functionality in Solid Edge: You could add features to a part which would be created on the opposite component when placing the model in the assembly. E.g. you could model a bolt-on handle and include the bolt holes in the model. And when the handle was placed, the appropriate holes were modelled in the handle’s counterpart.

I never really tried it though and can’t say how well this worked. And that was 20 years ago…

@mwr_Danstoker: Maybe you can place an idea?



Using Cut/Normal in a multi-body sheet metal part works in Inventor 2021.  Using your example, I added simplified port fittings to the model as new bodies, then cut clearance holes through the sheet metal using Cut Normal.  Does this match what you are trying to do?


Sam B

Inventor Pro 2023.1 | Windows 10 Home 21H2



It is a nice idea SBix26, but it sadly does not match what I am trying to do. 

The way you made the wrap in your example is not a method I knew about.

If what I want can not be done, then your method will definitely make my models more efficient.


What I really want, is to have an assembly where I can place a part that automatically makes a feature in the other part. Sort of like an Imate, just for I features in assemblies.

That way, it would be simple to make changes to the flange setup, that do not require you to go through multiple parts, like my previous example file showcases. 

Like changing the size of the Ipart tube, then it automatically edits the shell so the hole follows the tube size.

I know how to set up it manually through the parameter link between part and assembly, but that is even more work. And it does not take into account if you add new parts to the assembly.



What you want to do is definitely in the custom programming category.  It actually sounds quite a bit like the Bolted Connection function, which creates holes in parts from the assembly environment.  Do you have the resources to do some serious add-in writing?  It sounds possible, just far beyond my programming skills.

Sam B

Inventor Pro 2023.1 | Windows 10 Home 21H2



It is sad that it is a custom feature to make, rather than a standard one.


SW has it as a standard called the "Propergate feature to parts" which is what could solve my problem.


I have seen previous post where people talk about an add-on called FeatureMigrator by COOLORANGE, but I can never seem to get it to work reliably every time. 


I do not have the knowledge or resources to make such a feature into an inventor, and especially optimize it so it does not run at a snail's pace.

I have always been more of a crapshoot when programming in inventor that is past 30 lines. 😅