Specify Network License after deployment of image to desktops

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Specify Network License after deployment of image to desktops

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I installed AutoDesk (AutoCAD, 3DS Max, Revit & Recap). The original installers I downloaded were before I figured out the Network Licensing process (and so the download was for single user/standalone products, I suppose). I didn't enter a license number during install. I didn't launch the products after installation. Built image and deployed for testing.
Domain Group Policy pushes system variables pointing to the network license server.
Products open in Standalone mode.

AutoCAD gives an error and prompt users to repair or proceed. If they proceed, they can then use Help, About, Manage license to manually change to Multiuser and it works.
3DS Max and Revit prompt for MultiUser when first opened, and when MultiUser chosen, network license works.
Recap throws licensing error and won't open/won't allow specify new license details.
Products do not share their license setup (so sorting AutoCAD has no impact on others - each must be corrected individually).

I want to automate this process. Can I push settings from domain to correct/re-specify license type without user interaction?
...or do I have to remove and reinstall the lot and specify in the build before deployment? (I'm supposed to deploy this morning so behind schedule and would prefer not to rebuild).


Deployment is proceeding on some machines regardless of the issue but I'll start rebuilding the image just in case that's the only long term solution.


Thank you for any suggestions.

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I see above information which possibly could be a startup/shutdown script but seems to be user specific (deleting a file in user profile).


I've made a hash of the install (wrong version of Recap) so I'm going ahead with rebuild anyway.