I've received 12 months of Student access, but am stuck in 30 day trial mode


I've received 12 months of Student access, but am stuck in 30 day trial mode


Hi, I've sent 3 requests to support over the last week and the only response I got back gave me the same information already available on the Autodesk website.  


So basically; I have 12 months Autodesk Student access, have tried downloading the student version of Maya 2020 and instead, am stuck in 30 day Trial mode as there was no other way to open the program outside of purchasing it.

My (Manage) Autodesk Account shows nothing under the 'All Products and Services' section, despite re-downloading and installing the student version of the program 4 times. Hence, the software does not recognize that I have 12 months access.

I suspect there is an issue with my online account not registering my downloads from the educational site as student software, as the login should override the trial period, given that no serial number was supplied as student access is now connected to online login.


My PC details and what I have tried:
-I am constantly connected to the internet.
-My Windows 10 Pro, Core i9-9900K 3.10Ghz processor, w/32Gb RAM, 500Gb SSD and 12Tb HDD meets the minimum compatible software requirements (it runs perfectly on my machine).
-I have attempted to Change License Type and Switch Users while in the program (with no change to the trial period as a result).
-I have tried downloading the Maya 2019 edition and the 30 day trial countdown remains intact.

-I have tried both the direct Install and Download options from the Educational site of the Get Products page.

-I have tried using a VPN and downloading it from a different server; still no change.


I'm guessing this may have happened to others, so if anyone knows how to resolve this, it would be much appreciated. I just want to complete my course, but this looming trial period clock is always in the back of my mind.



Accepted solutions (1)
5 Replies
Replies (5)

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I had to wait for my educational access to be verified and approved and then things appeared under the My Account > Products and Services area and I downloaded from there.


Hi @s210407,

This sounds like a sync error which means Educational support will need to check your account: https://www.autodesk.com/education/support.

Does your education page look similar to this:


You should see your name and the expiration date of your educational entitlements.

Leo Warren
Autodesk Student Ambassador Diamond
Please accept as solution and give likes if applicable.


Thanks Leo, I think that sounds about right; I just wasn't sure how to word it to customer support (who have sent me the same web link 3 times now).


I'll re-word my situation and see if they can get back to me.


And yes, my name and duration of access does appear in the header when I log in to Autodesk.

But after downloading as instructed and checking my account, there is nothing available in the Products and Services section.


I'll see how I go.

Thanks for your reply and advice,



Accepted solution



Finally got a customer service person who properly addressed the issue rather than giving me the same link 7 times over.


It was SO simple; all I had to do was download the product from a different browser! I've been using Chrome this entire time and never once thought to try downloading from Microsoft Edge!


It worked straight away! I didn't even have to download the program again, just the .exe file so my online account could gain entitlement. Then just sign out and back into Maya and that was it!


That bit of information would have saved me a ton of stress.


Thanks Himadha for giving me a working solution!

Not applicable

Hey buddy, even I have been facing this same issue entirely. Thanks for the follow up. I will try and hope it works. PS: I am at it past 2 days and it hasn't worked