I feel that it’s important to share the repercussions from using the wrong email/username for my license. This could possibly help others, because Autodesk chat could not figure out how to help me.
I spent a couple hours chatting online with Autodesk. I had to convince them to move my license to the correct account so that I wouldn’t lose my info and so I continue to receive emails. They did move it, but they did not correct the email/username. I can’t make this change myself.
Once I loaded the software, it would not recognize my license. Autodesk couldn’t figure out why, even after I told them it has something to do with the wrong email/username on my license.
I spent 4 hours troubleshooting this myself. Loading and unloading. Scouring through my account. I finally figured out that they had the wrong email/username for my Software Coordinator and had given it all of the permissions. Once I checked off those permissions and checked them on for my Contract Manager, which has the correct email/username, I was able to open the software.
I think this demonstrates two things. Attention to details is important, particularly for something so simple that has such significance. Implementing a protocol to triple check the email/username is highly recommended. Also, Autodesk chat is not thorough. For example, at the end of our chat they offered to have IT email me but then they forgot. This tells me that the chat person doesn’t have technical expertise or follow through.
My vendor has since been able to fix the email/username for my Software Coordinator. They knew it was wrong but didn't realize its significance.