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Would like to see an extended Storyboard in which we can switch between Proposals using Transitions. This way we could do some basic construction sequencing or phasing in better quality then Navisworks.
Also would like this to be added to the webviewer of course.
What exactly do you envision to get in the web viewer?
On the InfraWorks 360 Rolling Sandbox we are looking for feedback for Points of Interest that can show html tooltips. Which could include a video. For InfraWorks 360 web viewer. Would that help?
I think your suggestion can work for me. If the desktop version of AIW can produce these videos and then after publishing to some public service, then these video's could be accessed by the web viewer trough embedding code in the tooltips indeed. I will do a test with this and let you know my results in the Sandbox forum.
Concerning the web viewer I have some more questions which I'll also ask you there.
@Anonymous please have a look at this!!! Totally worth it! I can show real construction videos with sequences in Navisworks, but nothing for Infrastructure!
Thank you very much @Eric_Chappell, I appreciate it. I do think that this will be awesome for a lot of people, especially if we have to simulate phases of the MOT (Management Of Traffic).
I'd be a huge fan if we could produce rendered videos of grade excavation/fill, road/parking lot builds, and building construction similar to what Sketchup or Synchro can do. Add that capability to its power with scan data, import of Formit & Revit models, and landscaping components; this product would be amazing for logistic plans and construction sequencing. The main thing many Autodesk products are missing (or I haven't found) is the motion section or animation so you actually see geometry coming together. i.e. Inventor Studio. I look forward to seeing the development!
On the InfraWorks bridge front, we have future plans to add customizable construction sequencing, including Inventor based parametric equipment as part of the animation.
While this feature is still on the roadmap, we have been focusing on other higher priority feature development. At the moment, a typical workflow, for bridges in InfraWorks, is to publish the model to imx and open in Revit and then into NavisWorks for 4D/5D phasing.