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Stop using the IdeaStation as a I'm looking for a post processor place

Stop using the IdeaStation as a I'm looking for a post processor place

This really annoys me.

And I'm pretty sure others too.


Half of the Ideastation is full of post requests.

Some which are already in the product but people like a little change.

Others just asking is there a fanuc post?


I really feel it brings the quality of the HSM Ideastation down.(I myself am losing interest in going through all the Idea's)

Can we move these to the post processor forum or create a Post IdeaStation(If we really want to have a vote on where to focus next)? 

Post IdeaStation.png


Yes it does.  I don't even look thru them anymore.  If it is not on the first page or once I am specifically keeping track of I would not even know it was created.


I love it when the home screen says 300 new Ideas but they are buried comments and not worth the time to hunt them down.




Agreed. These aren't features IMO and don't affect the development of the products, just generically supported machines/controls.


Ditto that.  Finding newly posted (no pun intended) comments is agonizing at present, and having to wade through a slew of post requests is not helping.  It did seem to make sense at first but now I'm not liking it so much.





OOPS, I just moved a post request here.  The post part of the IDEA station has been very helpfully for us.  


However, to your point, So Helpfull that it fogs clutters up the software requests.  I will see what I can do about getting a dedicated POST Idea station. 


I'm not sure in how you value this since all the implemented posts in the IdeaStation are Autodesk proposed. And the other request about patterns into subroutines has been a long standing one so I'm pretty sure it was on the list already before we got the IdeaStation.

Or do you mean the other way around, that you can say; "Not many votes so we shouldn't waste our time"?

Because from what I see there is a whole lot of cluttering, nobody cleaning up the wrongly places idea's which actually are topics for Support or Post Processor parts of the forum.

(Good example of useless cluttering if you ask me:

( )

Beta testing a post would much better fit the Post processor forum if you ask me than the IdeaStation, but you can probably explain to me why you think otherwise.


Like this "Idea":

It's not really an idea nor a request. Besides, you won't be making that post anytime soon. If you move it to the Post Processor section people might actually help the person more. Since that's where the post guys hang out and they might not come to the IdeaStation and go deep into the idea to check if they can help or not.


@Laurens-3DTechDraw  I can see the point of the post requests cluttering the Idea station.  That said, the solution it not to send them all to the forum.  The core goal here is a have a clear path to new stock posts.   


In regards to the new post requests that show up that are created by Autodesk.  These are created on behalf of a user.


There are tags that allow us to see just Kernel issues or UI issues.  With that said, new tags have been introduced as a result of moving ideas over from the Fusion Idea Station.


More grooming is certainly needed.



That kind of is my point.

I don't think it's good introducing a post in the IdeaStation. That's for Idea's and not half-finished feature release right?

I rather have that in the post section. Just like user requests that are clearly not for a stock post or will clearly not be implemented any time soon.


The filters would be good if we could say non with post processor tags. But on the other hand general post things I would like to see.


But this is probably something that will cause a different view for users and development.


We could add a Tag for "post engine"  I think that makes a lot of sense.


BTW, don't get me wrong, I am looking into getting a separate Idea Station for Post Processor requests.





I know we can always count on you.Smiley Happy


@al.whatmough where are you at with this?



Status changed to: Accepted

I am marking this as accepted as this is something the CAM team agrees with.


I am working with the community team to get a second Idea station setup.

Nice. Thanks


@Laurens-3DTechDraw This is part of the idea clean up that is happening this week.


The goal is to implement this one by the end of the week.


Love an overall clean up too.


This is good news!

Status changed to: Implemented

We just need to flip the Switch at turn it on.  That said, here is the hidden link.
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Status changed to: Implemented

You might want to remove the suggestion at the end of this page to put your requests for posts on the idea page

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