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Static Stress Simulation Results Not Displaying

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Static Stress Simulation Results Not Displaying


I've encountered a persistent issue with some static stress simulation studies in Fusion. After running a simulation, it completes normally, and I receive a notification that the results are ready. However, when I attempt to view the results, no plots are displayed, and the model itself isn't visible, despite being set to visible.

Additionally, I'm met with a side panel warning stating, "The results are not up to date with the current settings." Attempting to re-run the simulation isn't possible as the option is grayed out, implying the simulation has already been solved. This is also confirmed by the green check mark next to the simulation tab. This leaves me unable to view any results.

I've also tried sharing a link with myself and opening it in Chrome, which typically allows me to see the full colored plot and results. Unfortunately, in this case, it only shows some parts as visible, with the rest disappearing and no results displayed as if it wasn't even computed.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or can offer guidance on how to resolve this? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,





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