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F360 Newb going bonkers with Planes


F360 Newb going bonkers with Planes


I started cad stuff back in the day with Autocad R12, worked extensively on architectural models for years with Autocad, HOK Drawvision, and 3D Studio Max. Professional career transitioned to software development, so now I've become proficient in Sketchup for my hobbies. Currently facing challenges using Fusion 360 for my CNC Plasma table.


I don't understand the need for a timeline and find it difficult to go back and edit sketches. Tried disabling it, hoping to work on 3D wireframe models as usual, but it didn't work.


Creating sketches for single flat pieces is simple. However, with a 3D scan imported as a mesh, marking bolt holes on multiple planes becomes challenging in Fusion 360, and I find it very unintuitive.


I can sketch pieces off the default XYZ axis, like offsetting by 2.5". However, when I hide the mesh to edit the shape, I lose the ability to select or manipulate it. This becomes a problem when refining or changing the design, as new elements are created on the default plane instead of the intended one where the trace is.


I have to keep retracing sketches into new sketches each time to build off it.  It’s kind of ridiculous.


I read about and tried ‘redefine sketch plane’, but it’s not always an option, it comes and goes in the menu.  Would love to know how to remedy that.


I can offset a sketch plane, but it wants to offset from the plane the part is on … which I’m trying to continue working on in the first place … which makes no sense.  Why doesn’t it just work there?  I can’t select any objects or build off the lines.  So the sketch plane is there, the sketched part is on it, but when looking at the rear view and tracing parts of the 3D scan the parts are created in the default plane.  I don’t get what I’m doing wrong.


I’ve read a ton on here and know enough to attach the drawing before you ask lol.


The Sketch I’m having troubles with the planes on (currently) is the ‘Factory Brace’ sketch and getting the bolt hole circles to get on the same plane as the part.


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

3 Replies
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Do you have a desire to learn how to do all of this correctly?

If yes, we will learn the BORN Technique where the creation of planes are seldom needed.


Step 1. Choose a logical datum on the import.

Step 2. Move the imported geometry such that the chosen datum is at the Origin.


As we continue all sketches will be fully defined in relation to the Origin datum.

(Base Orphan Reference Node)

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Where did you go?

Are you ready to get started on learning the BORN Technique for your design (it will not be necessary to create ANY work planes for this design.



Sorry, had some things keep me AFK for a few days.  I started watching your video on YT about BORN, will finish it this weekend!


In the mean time, I started a whole new drawing and am running fine.  Not sure what I did to have the issues above but joining, what I feel, is that exact same thing I did before seems to be working this time.  I must have inadvertently done some dumb newb move on the first version.