@christopher.cooperVHK2N, @MatthewPBryant
Thank you for the quick response.
Yes, I am using the current release, it was the release notes that prompted me to look at the tool library preview once again. Honestly I didn't have a clue that the tool library fonts had gotten darker from the previous release.
YES, the fonts are still difficult to read. I'm using a 34 inch HP monitor at 2560x1440 enlarged to 125% with 50% brightness and 85% contrast.
After viewing your samples, I feel compelled to address some of the factors that help readability. High contrast is one of the greatest factors, a good example is the doctors eye chart used to evaluate your vision; it's hard to beat simple black and white. With font size, of course, bigger is better however, font type plays a factor when letters get smaller; fonts with serifs help define the letters. A common belief is that if you embolden a font it automatically becomes more readable however, this is not necessarily true; the white spaces also become smaller making small letters less discernible. A good recipe to make something difficult to read is reduce the contrast (maybe a gray font on white) and use a bold, small, sans-serif font, which happens to be exactly what you're using except that the font is slightly darker gray now.
With regards to the Geometry tab, it appears the you desire to do the very thing that I described as frustrating, I don't want to have to look up a dimension that is labeled with a letter in a table; it simply adds a layer of complexity without perceived value. As an example, consider the purpose of a graph which is used to convey a host of information in a format that is understandable without having to delve into a database of data. Why would you want the pictorial representation to convey inadequate data? I must say I hadn't considered the ISO standards and I can see that you have a purpose that was outside my purview. In light of that, my suggestion is to make the dimensions editable in both the table and drawing. I've attached a revised version of your document for review.
The slowness I experienced was when checking and expanding tool sets. I will explore it more and create a screencast.
Thank you for you're attentiveness and prompt responses.
Dale Speakes
prototype technology