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Expanding Report Options

Expanding Report Options

Hi All,


I was wondering if Autodesk had any plans to add some more features to the reporting side of things?


I think a "nice to have" would be the ability to create your own header. Maybe something along the lines of the "Advance Print View" options.

Another idea would be to have the ability to calculate, and gather sums of columns. 





Status changed to: Future Consideration

Hi Stephen,


I appreciate you taking the time to submit your ideas and questions on the Idea Station.


1.  We are always looking for ways to improve and enhance the features and capabilities of our product.

     We love to get ideas and feedbacks  in order for our Product Team to improve the reporting tool.

     At the moment we can't release or share any development concepts or commit to any timeframes.

     I can share with you that reporting is important and it is one of many items on the product team's roadmap.



2. Currently our Advance Print View does allow users to set Header and Footer.  

    You can change the header and footer to meet your needs.




3. Please provide more details and information regarding the calculation and sums of columns.  

    Currently in the Grid Tab, you can perform SUM, COUNT, and AVERAGE.  










Hi There,


Sorry I think I was unclear.

I like the Header and Footer options in the Advance Print Views so I was only suggesting having options like this in the reports. Same goes for the would be very handy if the reports were able to calculate data gathered and provide a sum, count and average. 


Here is my sistuation...


I have a workspace with many records (all part specific but different customers). Within each record I have a field called "Forecast Annual Savings"...what I would like to do is run a report for that workspace that will gather  "Forecast Annual Savings" and provide a sum of savings.


Does this make sense?





Status changed to: Future Consideration

HI Stephen,


Thanks for your suggestion for Expanding Report.  It's always great to see Ideas and Requests about this feature.


We are looking for ways to improve and enhance our Reports.  We will add this request to our future enhancement list.


thank you,



Thank you for submitting your idea. Have you tried the Modern Interface lately? We request that you review your idea in the context of the Modern interface. If your idea is not addressed, we invite you to create a new Idea in the context of Modern so that it can be addressed accordingly. Sincerely, Keri Bender | Global GTM Business Strategy Manager, Product Lifecycle Management
Status changed to: Archived

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