Problems or helping with Fustion 360.


Problems or helping with Fustion 360.

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Hello. I use this program during one tear. It bring me lots of wonderful experience. But after I started working with more hardest models, I found lots of problems and bugs. So, in this post I want to show you most annoying problems for me.

  1. Can not normally convert face into sculpting mode. Faces do not connected with each other after operation. Also cannot convert full body. The system of converting really sucks.
  2. There is no option to delete lines on model. Of cause may be they can not be deleted at all, but please try to see what you can do. Because in many situations this lines fully destroying the design of model.1.png
  3. Fillet system. In your program, it is pretty good, but in 50% it can give so many pain for users. You just can not imaging how painful it was for me to make primitive fillet to connect two objects. You can see it on this model.
  4. 4.png5.png

 After using it can create tons of lines and faces. Also some point are static, and you can not do absolutely nothing to move them during filleting and it can reformate the model. Just pls work on this function. Also it can break the geometry of direct object and make the line into diagonal. Make the point’s selection like in AutoCAD.

  1. Make 3d sketching mode. Just why Inventor users have this mode, but we do not?
  2. During the operation of extruding from object you can choose only one face. Wut? Dudes this is really annoying and do not let to make a lot of things. Pls add more number of faces.
  3. Project to surface are absolutely useless, because you can not expanded form your results if you project on body, if it has uneven surface.
  4. Can not extrude uneven surface. I know that it is hard to program, But you can try)

That is my point. I know that I can mistaking in something. So please help me with this points. I do not want to blame you. Your program is really great and has a great potential. So please make it better and more comfortable to users.

6 Replies
Replies (6)


Perhaps create a few screencast to show more clearly what bugs and limitations you feel exist.


At first sight your screenshots indicate that you have missed several key concepts of Fusion 360 already.



Not applicable

Sorry, but did you read my options?I do not ask about simple situation with fillets. I just showing you your program problems.



Yes, I have. Please share your file and I'll look a it and see what might be done and what not.

As an Autodesk Expert Elite I am a customer just as you are. Keep that in mind.



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Okey then. In this file, you will see 3 handles. I tried two style during modeling to make perfect fillet:1. using loft; 2. using fillet. But in first you can see lines on model, and if you will looking in rendering mode you will clearly see them. And the second you can see this center point, which making two lines on handle. Oh man, this lines. They are killing me 😞 Please, if you can delete them, but do not by using fillet operation (it will destroy the design)

PS: I used mirroring and that’s created center line, but on this example I would like to know how to deal with this lines in any models)



 Hi Ivan, unfortunately, your problems with your sword design are not caused by Fusion but only by you.

1. Edit Face command is very specific one, and there are some requirements for that tool to succeed. Before issuing a verdict, you should acquire some knowledge about tsplines: Edit Face utilize that technology.

2. Clearly, you don't understand what these lines mean. You can't delete them because those are edges of surfaces that create your model. Do you know about NURBS surfaces? Please read about them: If you like to have no lines you need to create a transition between pommel and hilt as a single surface.Question, can Fusion do that successfully, depends only on your skills. You need also know that while lines are visible in your viewport, doesn't mean they will affect how they will look on renderings or in "real life". That depends on curvature continuity. Don't know what I'm talking about? Please watch this:, and this: Your pommel is made out of two planar faces and two cylindrical faces, continuity between them could be at best G1 (tangent), which must result in obvious line. What's more, a transition which will be computed based on such G1 seam will carry that condition further. That means surface between pommel and hilt will have seams as long as pommel or hilt have.

3. Fillet system works great, what you're missing is again elementary cad knowledge. Read this first:


Now about rest of your points:

1. Fusion has 3d sketching, but I guess you don't know how to get that. You can familiarize yourself with its application here:

2. You can pick multiple planar profiles (faces) to extrude, as long as the facing same direction.

3. I don't understand what you are referring to. But I can bet that if you would split face with projected sketch you would be able to "expanded"

4. This point proves you know nothing about Fusion and very little about cad in general. To "expand" from uneven surface we don't use Extrude tool but Press Pull command (shortcut Q)


To sum up, don't blame others for your failures. You need serious training. Don't be an ignorant, ask politely if you have problem.  


Michał Lach

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This cannot be done with a fillet!

The reason for the lines you are seeing is:

  1. You made two (or more)  separate lofts tat are not smoothy transitioning.
  2. The surfaces you are creating are not curvature continuous.

You can see the trouble areas clearly if you use "Inspect -> Zebra analysis"

Getting this to loft smoothly is simply not a trivial task.

Both of you bodies have a similar problems:


Body 1.pngBody 2.png


Below is my best attempt with the bottom loft profile being a box already with G2 fillets. the best result I can achieve with a "simple" loft is when the bottom profile is creates with a closed spline curve.


Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 3.22.45 PM.pngScreen Shot 2016-12-23 at 3.22.56 PM.png



As @michallach81 has already said, you can get much better control over the loft when using rails, in this case like most effective a 3D sketch/curve.




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