I have completed the desing of an assembly with several components and now I would like to start putting in place 2D drawings of individual piece parts, but when I try to create a sheet with a base view, then the software always returns me the base view of the whole assembly even if I select the single component as reference.
What am I missing? How can I achieve a 2D base view of a single piecepart of an assembly?
Many Thanks
Go to the browser and right click the component you want to create a drawing from, then click on Create Drawing
Regards, Saeed
There are two ways to create the 2d view of a single component in an assembly.
1. select the component node in the design file's browser, launch "Create Drawing" command.
2. In the drawing, after a base view is placed, go to the component's node in the browser and suppress others.
Please let me know if it still cannot solve your issue.
I did try but it did not work. I cannot understand why, but when I create the base view I always see all components.
That is why I did posted the question.
Any suggestion?
I did try it NIck but it does not seems to work.
Maybe I am doing dome stupid mistake. It seems to be a trivial procedure but I cannot understand why it does not work.
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