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ParaParam script for Fusion 360

Message 1 of 8
1092 Views, 7 Replies

ParaParam script for Fusion 360

I've posted a new script.  This is used for parametrically driving a user parameter and performing an operation at each iteration.




For example, with a user parameter it's possible to parametrically change a design.  With the script it's possible to iterate over a range of values that are applied to the user parameter and at each iteration, perform an operation such as export to STL.


Please take a look at the README for the script and the sample described for more details.



Hans Kellner
Senior Manager, Principal Engineer
Message 2 of 8
in reply to: hanskellner

I've updated the ParaParam script.  The most significant change is support for loading a CSV for specifying multiple user parameters to change.


From the README:


A comma separated value (CSV) file may be used to specify which parameters and values to change. The format of the file is:

Parameter Name, Start Value, End Value, Step/Increment Value

For example, the following would modify the "Diameter" and "Height" parameters for all combinations of values:




Hans Kellner
Senior Manager, Principal Engineer
Message 3 of 8
in reply to: hanskellner

I'm in a situation where this script is ALMOST what I need, but not quite, and wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of something more appropriate.  I need to make several hundred variations of a part (exported as STLs for 3D printing), each with several sizes and angles that will change.  Ideally I'd be able to feed Fusion 360 a CSV where each row had a set of set of values, and Fusion would edit and output an STL for each row (or something like this).  My understanding is that this script will do multiples, but just increments between two values.  Does anyone know of a script around that does exactly what I'm looking for, or should I consider forking this one and seeing if I can modify it to fit my needs?

Message 4 of 8
in reply to: craig.scheuer

I'm not familiar with a script that does what you describe.  But it should be rather easy to create one, based off the code in Para Param, that does what you want.

Hans Kellner
Senior Manager, Principal Engineer
Message 5 of 8
in reply to: craig.scheuer

Hey I have been working on something that I think will do what you want.


There are two variations.


The first connects directly to google sheets.  You can then build the variations there.


Also I have one that does something similar from a CSV (like you asked I believe) but it isn't as well developed or well tested:




Patrick Rainsberry
Developer Advocate, Fusion 360
Message 6 of 8
in reply to: prainsberry

Wow, thanks so much, it looks like both of these could do exactly what I'm looking for.  Very glad I asked!

Message 7 of 8
in reply to: prainsberry

Of course!  Sorry I'd forgotten about your scripts Patrick.

Hans Kellner
Senior Manager, Principal Engineer
Message 8 of 8
in reply to: hanskellner

UPDATE: December 2023


Do you have a need to drive your Fusion 360 model parametrically through a specified set of values?  I just updated my Fusion 360 ParaParam script, porting it from Javascript to Python. Fixed issues, added features, updated documentation.



Hans Kellner
Senior Manager, Principal Engineer

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