I'm looking for a way to access the font list presented in Edit Text. This list contains the available fonts for the current system (installed OS) that Fusion can handle. I'm planning on adding a similar dropDown menu to my command.
Thanks in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
I'm looking for a way to access the font list presented in Edit Text. This list contains the available fonts for the current system (installed OS) that Fusion can handle. I'm planning on adding a similar dropDown menu to my command.
Thanks in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by BrianEkins. Go to Solution.
Hi balunist.
I tried.(windows)
I thought it was correct with the OS font, but most failed.
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback import re, os def run(context): ui = None app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface doc = app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType) design = app.activeProduct rootComp = design.rootComponent sketches = rootComp.sketches xyPlane = rootComp.xYConstructionPlane sketch = sketches.add(xyPlane) sketchTexts = sketch.sketchTexts rp = re.compile(".*ttf") fontsPath = r"C:/Windows/Fonts" #win only font_list = [fnt for fnt in os.listdir(fontsPath) if rp.match(fnt)] for idx, font_name in enumerate(font_list): point = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 2.0 * idx, 0.0) sketchTextInput = sketchTexts.createInput(font_name, 1.0, point) txt = sketchTexts.add(sketchTextInput) fn, ext = os.path.splitext(font_name) try: txt.fontName = fn print('OK:{}'.format(font_name)) except: print('NG:{}'.format(font_name))
Hi balunist.
I tried.(windows)
I thought it was correct with the OS font, but most failed.
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback import re, os def run(context): ui = None app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface doc = app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType) design = app.activeProduct rootComp = design.rootComponent sketches = rootComp.sketches xyPlane = rootComp.xYConstructionPlane sketch = sketches.add(xyPlane) sketchTexts = sketch.sketchTexts rp = re.compile(".*ttf") fontsPath = r"C:/Windows/Fonts" #win only font_list = [fnt for fnt in os.listdir(fontsPath) if rp.match(fnt)] for idx, font_name in enumerate(font_list): point = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 2.0 * idx, 0.0) sketchTextInput = sketchTexts.createInput(font_name, 1.0, point) txt = sketchTexts.add(sketchTextInput) fn, ext = os.path.splitext(font_name) try: txt.fontName = fn print('OK:{}'.format(font_name)) except: print('NG:{}'.format(font_name))
Here is a code that lists system fonts for Mac and Windows:
#Author- #Description- import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback import os import sys fontToolPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fontToolPath = fontToolPath + "/FontTools" if not fontToolPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(fontToolPath) from fontTools import ttLib ######### begin functions for Font ################## FONT_SPECIFIER_NAME_ID = 4 FONT_SPECIFIER_FAMILY_ID = 1 #short name of a truetype font #platformID: Windows or Mac def shortName(font,platformID): name = "" family = "" for record in font['name'].names: if record.nameID == FONT_SPECIFIER_NAME_ID and not name and record.platformID==platformID: name = record.toUnicode() elif record.nameID == FONT_SPECIFIER_FAMILY_ID and not family and record.platformID==platformID: family = record.toUnicode() if name and family: break return name, family # get font list (Windows only in this release) def getFontList(dic): app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface if sys.platform.startswith('win') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): #Windows FontPath = os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'], 'Fonts') PlatFormID = 3 elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): #Mac FontPath = '/Library/Fonts/' PlatFormID = 1 else: if ui: ui.messageBox('This is an unknown OS!!') return #iterate each *.ttf font in the specific folder for file in os.listdir(FontPath): if file.lower().endswith(".ttf") or file.lower().endswith(".ttc"): source_file_name = FontPath+"/"+file tt = ttLib.TTFont(source_file_name,fontNumber=0) font_ori_name = shortName(tt,PlatFormID)[1] #store this font to fonts map if not font_ori_name in dic: dic[font_ori_name] = source_file_name ####### end of functions for Font###################### def run(context): ui = None try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType) design = app.activeProduct rootComp = design.rootComponent sketches = rootComp.sketches xyPlane = rootComp.xYConstructionPlane sketch = sketches.add(xyPlane) sketchTexts = sketch.sketchTexts g_fontDic = {} getFontList(g_fontDic) newDic = sorted(g_fontDic.keys()) idx_row = 0 idx_col = 0 for key in newDic: point = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) sketchTextInput = sketchTexts.createInput(key, 1.0, point) txt = sketchTexts.add(sketchTextInput) try: txt.fontName = key point.x = point.x + 10.0*idx_col point.y = point.y - 1.0*idx_row txt.position = point idx_row += 1 if idx_row > 40: idx_col += 1 idx_row = 0 print(key) except: txt.deleteMe() except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
The code is inspired by this discussion: Surface Text Add-In
You need to download the FontTools subfolder from this repository: https://github.com/AutodeskFusion360/SurfaceText_python and add it in the same location as the Python script above.
Here is the font list returned on my PC (Windows 7):
Agency FB Aharoni Alef Algerian Amiri Amiri Quran Andalus Angsana New AngsanaUPC Aparajita Arabic Typesetting Arial Arial Black Arial Narrow Arial Rounded MT Bold Arial Unicode MS Baskerville Old Face Batang Bauhaus 93 Bell MT Berlin Sans FB Berlin Sans FB Demi Bernard MT Condensed Blackadder ITC Bodoni MT Bodoni MT Black Bodoni MT Condensed Bodoni MT Poster Compressed Book Antiqua Bookman Old Style Bradley Hand ITC Britannic Bold Broadway Browallia New BrowalliaUPC Brush Script MT Caladea Calibri Calibri Light Californian FB Calisto MT Cambria Candara Carlito Castellar Centaur Century Century Gothic Century Schoolbook Chiller Colonna MT Comic Sans MS Consolas Constantia Cooper Black Copperplate Gothic Bold Copperplate Gothic Light Corbel Cordia New CordiaUPC Courier New Curlz MT DaunPenh David David CLM David Libre DejaVu Math TeX Gyre DejaVu Sans DejaVu Sans Condensed DejaVu Sans Light DejaVu Sans Mono DejaVu Serif DejaVu Serif Condensed DilleniaUPC DokChampa Dubai Dubai Light Dubai Medium Ebrima Edwardian Script ITC Elephant EmojiOne Color Engravers MT Eras Bold ITC Eras Demi ITC Eras Light ITC Eras Medium ITC Estrangelo Edessa EucrosiaUPC Euphemia FangSong Felix Titling Footlight MT Light Forte Frank Ruehl CLM FrankRuehl Franklin Gothic Book Franklin Gothic Demi Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Franklin Gothic Heavy Franklin Gothic Medium Franklin Gothic Medium Cond FreesiaUPC Freestyle Script French Script MT Gabriola Gadugi Garamond Gautami Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Georgia Gigi Gill Sans MT Gill Sans MT Condensed Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold Gill Sans Ultra Bold Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed Gisha Gloucester MT Extra Condensed Goudy Old Style Goudy Stout Gulim Haettenschweiler Harlow Solid Italic Harrington High Tower Text Impact Imprint MT Shadow Informal Roman IrisUPC Iskoola Pota JasmineUPC Jokerman Juice ITC KaiTi Kalinga Kartika Khmer UI KodchiangUPC Kokila Kristen ITC Kunstler Script Lao UI Latha Leelawadee Levenim MT Liberation Mono Liberation Sans Liberation Sans Narrow Liberation Serif LilyUPC Linux Biolinum G Linux Libertine Display G Linux Libertine G Lucida Bright Lucida Calligraphy Lucida Console Lucida Fax Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Lucida Sans Typewriter Lucida Sans Unicode MS Gothic MS Mincho MS Reference Sans Serif MV Boli Magneto Maiandra GD Malgun Gothic Mangal Matura MT Script Capitals Meiryo Microsoft Himalaya Microsoft New Tai Lue Microsoft PhagsPa Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Tai Le Microsoft Uighur Microsoft YaHei Microsoft Yi Baiti Miriam Miriam CLM Miriam Fixed Miriam Mono CLM Mistral Mongolian Baiti Monotype Corsiva MoolBoran Narkisim Niagara Engraved Niagara Solid Nirmala UI Noto Kufi Arabic Noto Mono Noto Naskh Arabic Noto Naskh Arabic UI Noto Sans Noto Sans Arabic Noto Sans Arabic UI Noto Sans Armenian Noto Sans Cond Noto Sans Georgian Noto Sans Hebrew Noto Sans Lao Noto Sans Light Noto Sans Lisu Noto Serif Noto Serif Armenian Noto Serif Cond Noto Serif Georgian Noto Serif Hebrew Noto Serif Lao Noto Serif Light Nyala OCR A Extended Old English Text MT Onyx Open Sans OpenSymbol PT Serif Palace Script MT Palatino Linotype Papyrus Parchment Perpetua Perpetua Titling MT Plantagenet Cherokee Playbill Poor Richard Pristina Raavi Rage Italic Ravie Rockwell Rockwell Condensed Rockwell Extra Bold Rod Rubik Sakkal Majalla Scheherazade Script MT Bold Segoe Print Segoe Script Segoe UI Segoe UI Light Segoe UI Semibold Segoe UI Semilight Segoe UI Symbol Shonar Bangla Showcard Gothic Shruti SimHei SimSun SimSun-ExtB Simplified Arabic Simplified Arabic Fixed Snap ITC Source Code Pro Source Code Pro Black Source Code Pro ExtraLight Source Code Pro Light Source Code Pro Medium Source Code Pro Semibold Source Sans Pro Source Sans Pro Black Source Sans Pro ExtraLight Source Sans Pro Light Source Sans Pro Semibold SpaceClaim ASME CB SpaceClaim ISO CB Stencil Sylfaen Tahoma Tempus Sans ITC Times New Roman Traditional Arabic Trebuchet MS Tunga Tw Cen MT Tw Cen MT Condensed Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Utsaah Vani Verdana Vijaya Viner Hand ITC Vivaldi Vladimir Script Vrinda Wide Latin
And the list on my Mac (macOS Mojave 10.14.5):
Andale mono Apple chancery Apple symbols Applegothic Applemyungjo Arial Arial black Arial narrow Ayuthaya Bodoni ornaments Chalkduster Comic sans ms Courier new Diwan thuluth Farisi Georgia Herculanum Impact Khmer sangam mn Kokonor Krungthep Lao sangam mn Luminari Microsoft sans serif Mishafi Mishafi gold Sathu Silom Skia Symbol Tahoma Times new roman Trattatello Trebuchet ms Verdana Zapfino
Both lists on Windows and Mac are not complete. The code searches only for system fonts. Some additional fonts are shipped with Fusion 360 and some are located on user specific folder (see List of installed fonts OS X / C)
Jérôme Briot, Freelance engineer - Mechanical design and prototyping
3D Print Plus / Pro | IDF Import | GitHub To Fusion 360 | Tube Bending Data Exchanger | Slice Data Export
Memory Used | Basic Calculator | Check Computer Specifications | Import spline from any CSV file
Here is a code that lists system fonts for Mac and Windows:
#Author- #Description- import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback import os import sys fontToolPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fontToolPath = fontToolPath + "/FontTools" if not fontToolPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(fontToolPath) from fontTools import ttLib ######### begin functions for Font ################## FONT_SPECIFIER_NAME_ID = 4 FONT_SPECIFIER_FAMILY_ID = 1 #short name of a truetype font #platformID: Windows or Mac def shortName(font,platformID): name = "" family = "" for record in font['name'].names: if record.nameID == FONT_SPECIFIER_NAME_ID and not name and record.platformID==platformID: name = record.toUnicode() elif record.nameID == FONT_SPECIFIER_FAMILY_ID and not family and record.platformID==platformID: family = record.toUnicode() if name and family: break return name, family # get font list (Windows only in this release) def getFontList(dic): app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface if sys.platform.startswith('win') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): #Windows FontPath = os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'], 'Fonts') PlatFormID = 3 elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): #Mac FontPath = '/Library/Fonts/' PlatFormID = 1 else: if ui: ui.messageBox('This is an unknown OS!!') return #iterate each *.ttf font in the specific folder for file in os.listdir(FontPath): if file.lower().endswith(".ttf") or file.lower().endswith(".ttc"): source_file_name = FontPath+"/"+file tt = ttLib.TTFont(source_file_name,fontNumber=0) font_ori_name = shortName(tt,PlatFormID)[1] #store this font to fonts map if not font_ori_name in dic: dic[font_ori_name] = source_file_name ####### end of functions for Font###################### def run(context): ui = None try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType) design = app.activeProduct rootComp = design.rootComponent sketches = rootComp.sketches xyPlane = rootComp.xYConstructionPlane sketch = sketches.add(xyPlane) sketchTexts = sketch.sketchTexts g_fontDic = {} getFontList(g_fontDic) newDic = sorted(g_fontDic.keys()) idx_row = 0 idx_col = 0 for key in newDic: point = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) sketchTextInput = sketchTexts.createInput(key, 1.0, point) txt = sketchTexts.add(sketchTextInput) try: txt.fontName = key point.x = point.x + 10.0*idx_col point.y = point.y - 1.0*idx_row txt.position = point idx_row += 1 if idx_row > 40: idx_col += 1 idx_row = 0 print(key) except: txt.deleteMe() except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
The code is inspired by this discussion: Surface Text Add-In
You need to download the FontTools subfolder from this repository: https://github.com/AutodeskFusion360/SurfaceText_python and add it in the same location as the Python script above.
Here is the font list returned on my PC (Windows 7):
Agency FB Aharoni Alef Algerian Amiri Amiri Quran Andalus Angsana New AngsanaUPC Aparajita Arabic Typesetting Arial Arial Black Arial Narrow Arial Rounded MT Bold Arial Unicode MS Baskerville Old Face Batang Bauhaus 93 Bell MT Berlin Sans FB Berlin Sans FB Demi Bernard MT Condensed Blackadder ITC Bodoni MT Bodoni MT Black Bodoni MT Condensed Bodoni MT Poster Compressed Book Antiqua Bookman Old Style Bradley Hand ITC Britannic Bold Broadway Browallia New BrowalliaUPC Brush Script MT Caladea Calibri Calibri Light Californian FB Calisto MT Cambria Candara Carlito Castellar Centaur Century Century Gothic Century Schoolbook Chiller Colonna MT Comic Sans MS Consolas Constantia Cooper Black Copperplate Gothic Bold Copperplate Gothic Light Corbel Cordia New CordiaUPC Courier New Curlz MT DaunPenh David David CLM David Libre DejaVu Math TeX Gyre DejaVu Sans DejaVu Sans Condensed DejaVu Sans Light DejaVu Sans Mono DejaVu Serif DejaVu Serif Condensed DilleniaUPC DokChampa Dubai Dubai Light Dubai Medium Ebrima Edwardian Script ITC Elephant EmojiOne Color Engravers MT Eras Bold ITC Eras Demi ITC Eras Light ITC Eras Medium ITC Estrangelo Edessa EucrosiaUPC Euphemia FangSong Felix Titling Footlight MT Light Forte Frank Ruehl CLM FrankRuehl Franklin Gothic Book Franklin Gothic Demi Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Franklin Gothic Heavy Franklin Gothic Medium Franklin Gothic Medium Cond FreesiaUPC Freestyle Script French Script MT Gabriola Gadugi Garamond Gautami Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Georgia Gigi Gill Sans MT Gill Sans MT Condensed Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold Gill Sans Ultra Bold Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed Gisha Gloucester MT Extra Condensed Goudy Old Style Goudy Stout Gulim Haettenschweiler Harlow Solid Italic Harrington High Tower Text Impact Imprint MT Shadow Informal Roman IrisUPC Iskoola Pota JasmineUPC Jokerman Juice ITC KaiTi Kalinga Kartika Khmer UI KodchiangUPC Kokila Kristen ITC Kunstler Script Lao UI Latha Leelawadee Levenim MT Liberation Mono Liberation Sans Liberation Sans Narrow Liberation Serif LilyUPC Linux Biolinum G Linux Libertine Display G Linux Libertine G Lucida Bright Lucida Calligraphy Lucida Console Lucida Fax Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Lucida Sans Typewriter Lucida Sans Unicode MS Gothic MS Mincho MS Reference Sans Serif MV Boli Magneto Maiandra GD Malgun Gothic Mangal Matura MT Script Capitals Meiryo Microsoft Himalaya Microsoft New Tai Lue Microsoft PhagsPa Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Tai Le Microsoft Uighur Microsoft YaHei Microsoft Yi Baiti Miriam Miriam CLM Miriam Fixed Miriam Mono CLM Mistral Mongolian Baiti Monotype Corsiva MoolBoran Narkisim Niagara Engraved Niagara Solid Nirmala UI Noto Kufi Arabic Noto Mono Noto Naskh Arabic Noto Naskh Arabic UI Noto Sans Noto Sans Arabic Noto Sans Arabic UI Noto Sans Armenian Noto Sans Cond Noto Sans Georgian Noto Sans Hebrew Noto Sans Lao Noto Sans Light Noto Sans Lisu Noto Serif Noto Serif Armenian Noto Serif Cond Noto Serif Georgian Noto Serif Hebrew Noto Serif Lao Noto Serif Light Nyala OCR A Extended Old English Text MT Onyx Open Sans OpenSymbol PT Serif Palace Script MT Palatino Linotype Papyrus Parchment Perpetua Perpetua Titling MT Plantagenet Cherokee Playbill Poor Richard Pristina Raavi Rage Italic Ravie Rockwell Rockwell Condensed Rockwell Extra Bold Rod Rubik Sakkal Majalla Scheherazade Script MT Bold Segoe Print Segoe Script Segoe UI Segoe UI Light Segoe UI Semibold Segoe UI Semilight Segoe UI Symbol Shonar Bangla Showcard Gothic Shruti SimHei SimSun SimSun-ExtB Simplified Arabic Simplified Arabic Fixed Snap ITC Source Code Pro Source Code Pro Black Source Code Pro ExtraLight Source Code Pro Light Source Code Pro Medium Source Code Pro Semibold Source Sans Pro Source Sans Pro Black Source Sans Pro ExtraLight Source Sans Pro Light Source Sans Pro Semibold SpaceClaim ASME CB SpaceClaim ISO CB Stencil Sylfaen Tahoma Tempus Sans ITC Times New Roman Traditional Arabic Trebuchet MS Tunga Tw Cen MT Tw Cen MT Condensed Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Utsaah Vani Verdana Vijaya Viner Hand ITC Vivaldi Vladimir Script Vrinda Wide Latin
And the list on my Mac (macOS Mojave 10.14.5):
Andale mono Apple chancery Apple symbols Applegothic Applemyungjo Arial Arial black Arial narrow Ayuthaya Bodoni ornaments Chalkduster Comic sans ms Courier new Diwan thuluth Farisi Georgia Herculanum Impact Khmer sangam mn Kokonor Krungthep Lao sangam mn Luminari Microsoft sans serif Mishafi Mishafi gold Sathu Silom Skia Symbol Tahoma Times new roman Trattatello Trebuchet ms Verdana Zapfino
Both lists on Windows and Mac are not complete. The code searches only for system fonts. Some additional fonts are shipped with Fusion 360 and some are located on user specific folder (see List of installed fonts OS X / C)
Jérôme Briot, Freelance engineer - Mechanical design and prototyping
3D Print Plus / Pro | IDF Import | GitHub To Fusion 360 | Tube Bending Data Exchanger | Slice Data Export
Memory Used | Basic Calculator | Check Computer Specifications | Import spline from any CSV file
Thanks you. This approaches the end result I was looking for but as you pointed out it is missing fonts that Fusion has added. Also it is possible that they have omitted some fonts that have caused issues as I had found somewhere in the forums.
My hopes were that someone might have figured out how to tap into Fusion to extract their dynamically generated font list which they support without all the overhead. Adding font selection is a nice-to-have feature for my addin but not worth adding the package, etc for a less then perfect result. It seems like an addition to the API is in order. Don't you think? Thanks again! Icarus
Thanks you. This approaches the end result I was looking for but as you pointed out it is missing fonts that Fusion has added. Also it is possible that they have omitted some fonts that have caused issues as I had found somewhere in the forums.
My hopes were that someone might have figured out how to tap into Fusion to extract their dynamically generated font list which they support without all the overhead. Adding font selection is a nice-to-have feature for my addin but not worth adding the package, etc for a less then perfect result. It seems like an addition to the API is in order. Don't you think? Thanks again! Icarus
The API doesn't provide access to any internal list of fonts. However, the API does provide access to the user interface and there is a command in the drawing workspace that builds a list of fonts to allow you to pick the default font. Because that list is constructed as part of the UI and not just embedded within a command, we can access that list through the API. Here's a simple script that demonstrates how to do it.
def run(context): try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface # Get the "Annotation Font" command that exists in the NavBar in the Drawing workspace. fontCmdDef = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('FusionDrawingAnnotationFontCmd') # Get the list control associated with the command. listCntrl = adsk.core.ListControlDefinition.cast(fontCmdDef.controlDefinition) # Iterate through and print the names of the fonts. listItem = adsk.core.ListItem.cast(None) for listItem in listCntrl.listItems: print(listItem.name) except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
The API doesn't provide access to any internal list of fonts. However, the API does provide access to the user interface and there is a command in the drawing workspace that builds a list of fonts to allow you to pick the default font. Because that list is constructed as part of the UI and not just embedded within a command, we can access that list through the API. Here's a simple script that demonstrates how to do it.
def run(context): try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface # Get the "Annotation Font" command that exists in the NavBar in the Drawing workspace. fontCmdDef = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('FusionDrawingAnnotationFontCmd') # Get the list control associated with the command. listCntrl = adsk.core.ListControlDefinition.cast(fontCmdDef.controlDefinition) # Iterate through and print the names of the fonts. listItem = adsk.core.ListItem.cast(None) for listItem in listCntrl.listItems: print(listItem.name) except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
When made to work this will be a home run. OS independent, provides Fusion compatible fonts now and going forward, and simple. One small problem I need help on, the cast throws the following exception.
>>> Failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Shared/Google Drive/MapBoards/Submodules/Samples/getfonts.py", line 18, in run
listCntrl = adsk.core.ListControlDefinition.cast(fontCmdDef.controlDefinition)
File "/Users/icarus/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/10507a1a00e75a1d1f4d0552cc264036b1151c7b/Autodesk Fusion 360.app/Contents/Api/Python/packages/adsk/core.py", line 3666, in _get_controlDefinition
return _core.CommandDefinition__get_controlDefinition(self)
RuntimeError: 2 : InternalValidationError : inputControl
When made to work this will be a home run. OS independent, provides Fusion compatible fonts now and going forward, and simple. One small problem I need help on, the cast throws the following exception.
>>> Failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Shared/Google Drive/MapBoards/Submodules/Samples/getfonts.py", line 18, in run
listCntrl = adsk.core.ListControlDefinition.cast(fontCmdDef.controlDefinition)
File "/Users/icarus/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/10507a1a00e75a1d1f4d0552cc264036b1151c7b/Autodesk Fusion 360.app/Contents/Api/Python/packages/adsk/core.py", line 3666, in _get_controlDefinition
return _core.CommandDefinition__get_controlDefinition(self)
RuntimeError: 2 : InternalValidationError : inputControl
I dumped the user interface to file and this entry showed the following:
Command Control____
Control ID: FusionDrawingAnnotationFontCmd
isVisible: True
index: 4
Command Definition____
Unable to get the associated CommandDefinition.
I dumped the user interface to file and this entry showed the following:
Command Control____
Control ID: FusionDrawingAnnotationFontCmd
isVisible: True
index: 4
Command Definition____
Unable to get the associated CommandDefinition.
I tested the program and it works but I had opened a drawing to see what command I was accessing the list from. It turns out that control isn't created until a drawing has been open. As long as any drawing has been open in the current session of Fusion, the control and the list of fonts will be available. Otherwise, you'll get the error you're seeing.
I tried to figure out a way to somehow initialize the drawing workspace but without any luck. There's currently absolutely no API access to the drawing functionality.
Sorry about what looks like a dead end.
I tested the program and it works but I had opened a drawing to see what command I was accessing the list from. It turns out that control isn't created until a drawing has been open. As long as any drawing has been open in the current session of Fusion, the control and the list of fonts will be available. Otherwise, you'll get the error you're seeing.
I tried to figure out a way to somehow initialize the drawing workspace but without any luck. There's currently absolutely no API access to the drawing functionality.
Sorry about what looks like a dead end.
I was able to take advantage of the method you provided as an initialization and refresh tool.
Thanks you for your time in providing this expertise!
I was able to take advantage of the method you provided as an initialization and refresh tool.
Thanks you for your time in providing this expertise!
Hi @BrianEkins
As of the time of writing I can't seem to be able to get
fontCmdDef = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('FusionDrawingAnnotationFontCmd')
to return anything....
Any idea if there is any other similar workaround?
Hi @BrianEkins
As of the time of writing I can't seem to be able to get
fontCmdDef = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('FusionDrawingAnnotationFontCmd')
to return anything....
Any idea if there is any other similar workaround?
Hi @epeleg .
Do you want to get the names of fonts available in Draw?
How about something like this?
# Fusion360API Python script
import traceback
import adsk.fusion
import adsk.core
import re
def run(context):
ui = adsk.core.UserInterface.cast(None)
app :adsk.fusion.Application = adsk.core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
fontNames = getDrawFonts()
[print(f) for f in fontNames]
if ui:
def getDrawFonts() -> list:
app :adsk.fusion.Application = adsk.core.Application.get()
app.executeTextCommand(u'Commands.Start FusionChangeFontCommand')
txtCmdRes = app.executeTextCommand(u'Toolkit.cmdDialog')
fontTxt = txtCmdRes.split('FusionDocumentSettingsFont')[1].split('MenuItems:\n')[1].split('FusionDocumentSettingsTextHeightGroup')[0]
fontDatas = [re.sub(r"^\s+", "", s.split(',')[0]) for s in fontTxt.split('\n')][0:-2]
return fontDatas
Hi @epeleg .
Do you want to get the names of fonts available in Draw?
How about something like this?
# Fusion360API Python script
import traceback
import adsk.fusion
import adsk.core
import re
def run(context):
ui = adsk.core.UserInterface.cast(None)
app :adsk.fusion.Application = adsk.core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
fontNames = getDrawFonts()
[print(f) for f in fontNames]
if ui:
def getDrawFonts() -> list:
app :adsk.fusion.Application = adsk.core.Application.get()
app.executeTextCommand(u'Commands.Start FusionChangeFontCommand')
txtCmdRes = app.executeTextCommand(u'Toolkit.cmdDialog')
fontTxt = txtCmdRes.split('FusionDocumentSettingsFont')[1].split('MenuItems:\n')[1].split('FusionDocumentSettingsTextHeightGroup')[0]
fontDatas = [re.sub(r"^\s+", "", s.split(',')[0]) for s in fontTxt.split('\n')][0:-2]
return fontDatas
Thank you very much,
This is Very good, and de-facto is enough for me to get what I need to do - done.
However for the sake of learning I have 3 more Q's:
1) I understand that this some how interrogates the structure browser tree when on the Drawing workspace,
Can something similar be achieved while being the Design workspace ?
2) Can something similar be done with the fonts dropdown that shows when editing a sketchText entity?
3) Is there any documentation for the stuff going on here:
app.executeTextCommand(u'Commands.Start FusionChangeFontCommand') txtCmdRes = app.executeTextCommand(u'Toolkit.cmdDialog') app.executeTextCommand(u'NuCommands.CancelCmd')
And the Q's is Not about "What is going on here" as I do understand it but rather more like "How can I learn what other similar things can be done like this..." ? (searching google for "fusionChangeFontCommand" returns no results at all - I assume in the future it will at least return this page...)
Thank you very much,
This is Very good, and de-facto is enough for me to get what I need to do - done.
However for the sake of learning I have 3 more Q's:
1) I understand that this some how interrogates the structure browser tree when on the Drawing workspace,
Can something similar be achieved while being the Design workspace ?
2) Can something similar be done with the fonts dropdown that shows when editing a sketchText entity?
3) Is there any documentation for the stuff going on here:
app.executeTextCommand(u'Commands.Start FusionChangeFontCommand') txtCmdRes = app.executeTextCommand(u'Toolkit.cmdDialog') app.executeTextCommand(u'NuCommands.CancelCmd')
And the Q's is Not about "What is going on here" as I do understand it but rather more like "How can I learn what other similar things can be done like this..." ? (searching google for "fusionChangeFontCommand" returns no results at all - I assume in the future it will at least return this page...)
so Thanks to your initial code and doing some more reading here:
and here:
and in another answer by yourself here:
I was able to positively answer the first two of my own additional Q and created the following code based on yours.
def getSketchTextFonts() -> list:
app :adsk.fusion.Application = adsk.core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
#The Commands.Start EditMTextCmd needs to have a Text Element selected
#so we create a temporary sketch with a
design = app.activeProduct
rootComp = design.rootComponent
sketches = rootComp.sketches
xYPlane = rootComp.xYConstructionPlane
mySketch = sketches.add(xYPlane)
texts= mySketch.sketchTexts
# Add multi-line text.
input = texts.createInput2('.', 0.5)
input.setAsMultiLine(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0),
adsk.core.Point3D.create(1, 1, 0),
adsk.core.VerticalAlignments.TopVerticalAlignment, 0)
temp_text = texts.add(input)
app.executeTextCommand(u'Commands.Start EditMTextCmd')
txtCmdRes = app.executeTextCommand(u'Toolkit.cmdDialog')
fontTxt = txtCmdRes.split('TextFont')[1].split('MenuItems:\n')[1].split('TextExStyle')[0]
fontDatas = [re.sub(r"^\s+", "", s.split(',')[0]) for s in fontTxt.split('\n')][0:-1]
#app.log(f'\n--------------\fontDatas = {fontDatas}')
return fontDatas
This is a replacement of your getDrawFonts function that works in the Design workspace.
Thank you so very much again...
I am now left with the following Q:
As it says here that "The use of text commands is deprecated by Autodesk." I would like to try to convert this code to not use text commands but use python only API possibly using commandDefs and
so Thanks to your initial code and doing some more reading here:
and here:
and in another answer by yourself here:
I was able to positively answer the first two of my own additional Q and created the following code based on yours.
def getSketchTextFonts() -> list:
app :adsk.fusion.Application = adsk.core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
#The Commands.Start EditMTextCmd needs to have a Text Element selected
#so we create a temporary sketch with a
design = app.activeProduct
rootComp = design.rootComponent
sketches = rootComp.sketches
xYPlane = rootComp.xYConstructionPlane
mySketch = sketches.add(xYPlane)
texts= mySketch.sketchTexts
# Add multi-line text.
input = texts.createInput2('.', 0.5)
input.setAsMultiLine(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0),
adsk.core.Point3D.create(1, 1, 0),
adsk.core.VerticalAlignments.TopVerticalAlignment, 0)
temp_text = texts.add(input)
app.executeTextCommand(u'Commands.Start EditMTextCmd')
txtCmdRes = app.executeTextCommand(u'Toolkit.cmdDialog')
fontTxt = txtCmdRes.split('TextFont')[1].split('MenuItems:\n')[1].split('TextExStyle')[0]
fontDatas = [re.sub(r"^\s+", "", s.split(',')[0]) for s in fontTxt.split('\n')][0:-1]
#app.log(f'\n--------------\fontDatas = {fontDatas}')
return fontDatas
This is a replacement of your getDrawFonts function that works in the Design workspace.
Thank you so very much again...
I am now left with the following Q:
As it says here that "The use of text commands is deprecated by Autodesk." I would like to try to convert this code to not use text commands but use python only API possibly using commandDefs and
@epeleg .
I'm not sure exactly why, but the CommandDefinition.execute method is processed either just before or after the end of the script in a lump.
Therefore, if we use it in the middle of a script, we know that it will not be executed at the desired timing, so the only way is to use a TextCommands.
@epeleg .
I'm not sure exactly why, but the CommandDefinition.execute method is processed either just before or after the end of the script in a lump.
Therefore, if we use it in the middle of a script, we know that it will not be executed at the desired timing, so the only way is to use a TextCommands.
Hi Mr Epeleg,
One way to do it is to scan OS font's dictionaries for common and 'legal' font files.
It is essential to realize that the outcome list might contain only some (or excess) of the list presented in the F360 test dialog box, as ADSK uses also its own proprietary font format.
Also, some system legacy fonts on Windows do not exist in (easily accessible) file form.
I am not sure about apple juice candied Unix, although many common sense similarities .... have prevailed.
Please find below some snippets of the code that might alleviate the pain of tackling the issue; however, the deeper you go, the more convoluted/intricate it is. I am attaching the dump of what is inside the belly of the typical font (a lot of s.... for sure) and an abbreviated executive summary (of Rockwell Condensed). Have fun!
# ONE OF MANY MODULE TO DEAL WITH FONTS :hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done:
import fontTools
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
fontResourcePathsLst = [ ['C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\','.ttf'],
['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\Font\\','.otf'],
['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\CIDFont\\','.otf'],
def getFontNamesTable( vDict, fontSystemFiles, fontNamesTable, charSet ):
fontNamesTable = [['fontFamilyName', 'fontSubFamilyName', 'isItalic', 'isBold', 'lfWeight', 'uniqueFontIdentifier', 'fullFontName', 'fontFilePath', 'fontType', 'licenseType', 'mapTableNames']]
for fontFilePath in fontSystemFiles:
ttf = TTFont( fontFilePath, 0, allowVID=0, ignoreDecompileErrors=True, fontNumber=-1)
nameMap = ttf['name']
fontFamilyName = None
fontSubFamilyName = None
uniqueFontIdentifier = None
fullFontName = None
isItalic = False
isBold = False
lfWeight = 400
fontType = 0
for nameRecIdx in range(len(nameMap.names)):
nameRec = nameMap.names[nameRecIdx]
if nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_FAMILY_NAME:
fontFamilyName = str(NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict'))
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE:
fontCopyRight = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
if fontCopyRight == '':
fontCopyRight == 'None'
fontCopyRight = fontCopyRight.replace( ',', '|' )
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME:
fontSubFamilyName = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
( isItalic, isBold, lfWeight ) = getItalicBoldWeight( fontSubFamilyName )
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER:
uniqueFontIdentifier = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
uniqueFontIdentifier = uniqueFontIdentifier.replace( ',', ' ' ) # Lucida and others has comma char here ????
uniqueFontIdentifier = uniqueFontIdentifier.replace( u',', u' ')
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_FULL_NAME:
fullFontName = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
if fontFamilyName and fontSubFamilyName and uniqueFontIdentifier and fullFontName:
mapTableNames = str(sorted(ttf.keys()))
fontNamesTableRec = [fontFamilyName, fontSubFamilyName, isItalic, isBold, lfWeight, uniqueFontIdentifier, fullFontName, fontFilePath, fontCopyRight, mapTableNames]
fontNamesTable.append( fontNamesTableRec )
return fontNamesTable
"CreatedBy": "TextShape",
"Version": 5.123,
"Author": "Michael Tomsia, PhD",
"Content": "Window True Type Font Property Dump",
"CreationDate": "18 Dec 2021 10:40:14",
"FontName": "",
"FontStyle": "NORMAL ANSI",
"fontFilePath": "",
"platEncIDSet": "",
"platformIDSet": "",
"languageSet": "",
"glyphExist": "",
"FontHeight": ""
"lfFaceName": "Rockwell Condensed",
"lfHeight": 75,
"lfWidth": 21,
"lfEscapement": 0,
"lfOrientation": 0,
"lfWeight": 400,
"lfItalic": 0,
"lfUnderline": 0,
"lfStrikeOut": 0,
"lfCharSet": 0,
"lfOutPrecision": 3,
"lfClipPrecision": 2,
"lfPitchAndFamily": 1,
"fonttypeStr": "TRUETYPE",
"fonttype": 4
"tmHeight": 75,
"tmAscent": 60,
"tmDescent": 15,
"tmInternalLeading": 11,
"tmExternalLeading": 0,
"tmAveCharWidth": 21,
"tmMaxCharWidth": 74,
"tmWeight": 400,
"tmOverhang": 0,
"tmDigitizedAspectX": 192,
"tmDigitizedAspectY": 192,
"tmFirstChar": 32,
"tmLastChar": 0,
"tmDefaultChar": 2,
"tmBreakChar": -5,
"tmItalic": 31,
"tmUnderline": 0,
"tmStruckOut": 32,
"tmPitchAndFamily": 0,
"tmCharSet": 0,
"tmCharSetName": "ANSI"
Hi Mr Epeleg,
One way to do it is to scan OS font's dictionaries for common and 'legal' font files.
It is essential to realize that the outcome list might contain only some (or excess) of the list presented in the F360 test dialog box, as ADSK uses also its own proprietary font format.
Also, some system legacy fonts on Windows do not exist in (easily accessible) file form.
I am not sure about apple juice candied Unix, although many common sense similarities .... have prevailed.
Please find below some snippets of the code that might alleviate the pain of tackling the issue; however, the deeper you go, the more convoluted/intricate it is. I am attaching the dump of what is inside the belly of the typical font (a lot of s.... for sure) and an abbreviated executive summary (of Rockwell Condensed). Have fun!
# ONE OF MANY MODULE TO DEAL WITH FONTS :hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done::hourglass_not_done:
import fontTools
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
fontResourcePathsLst = [ ['C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\','.ttf'],
['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\Font\\','.otf'],
['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\CIDFont\\','.otf'],
def getFontNamesTable( vDict, fontSystemFiles, fontNamesTable, charSet ):
fontNamesTable = [['fontFamilyName', 'fontSubFamilyName', 'isItalic', 'isBold', 'lfWeight', 'uniqueFontIdentifier', 'fullFontName', 'fontFilePath', 'fontType', 'licenseType', 'mapTableNames']]
for fontFilePath in fontSystemFiles:
ttf = TTFont( fontFilePath, 0, allowVID=0, ignoreDecompileErrors=True, fontNumber=-1)
nameMap = ttf['name']
fontFamilyName = None
fontSubFamilyName = None
uniqueFontIdentifier = None
fullFontName = None
isItalic = False
isBold = False
lfWeight = 400
fontType = 0
for nameRecIdx in range(len(nameMap.names)):
nameRec = nameMap.names[nameRecIdx]
if nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_FAMILY_NAME:
fontFamilyName = str(NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict'))
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE:
fontCopyRight = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
if fontCopyRight == '':
fontCopyRight == 'None'
fontCopyRight = fontCopyRight.replace( ',', '|' )
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME:
fontSubFamilyName = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
( isItalic, isBold, lfWeight ) = getItalicBoldWeight( fontSubFamilyName )
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER:
uniqueFontIdentifier = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
uniqueFontIdentifier = uniqueFontIdentifier.replace( ',', ' ' ) # Lucida and others has comma char here ????
uniqueFontIdentifier = uniqueFontIdentifier.replace( u',', u' ')
elif nameRec.nameID == Constants.FONT_FULL_NAME:
fullFontName = NameRecord.toUnicode( nameRec, errors='strict')
if fontFamilyName and fontSubFamilyName and uniqueFontIdentifier and fullFontName:
mapTableNames = str(sorted(ttf.keys()))
fontNamesTableRec = [fontFamilyName, fontSubFamilyName, isItalic, isBold, lfWeight, uniqueFontIdentifier, fullFontName, fontFilePath, fontCopyRight, mapTableNames]
fontNamesTable.append( fontNamesTableRec )
return fontNamesTable
"CreatedBy": "TextShape",
"Version": 5.123,
"Author": "Michael Tomsia, PhD",
"Content": "Window True Type Font Property Dump",
"CreationDate": "18 Dec 2021 10:40:14",
"FontName": "",
"FontStyle": "NORMAL ANSI",
"fontFilePath": "",
"platEncIDSet": "",
"platformIDSet": "",
"languageSet": "",
"glyphExist": "",
"FontHeight": ""
"lfFaceName": "Rockwell Condensed",
"lfHeight": 75,
"lfWidth": 21,
"lfEscapement": 0,
"lfOrientation": 0,
"lfWeight": 400,
"lfItalic": 0,
"lfUnderline": 0,
"lfStrikeOut": 0,
"lfCharSet": 0,
"lfOutPrecision": 3,
"lfClipPrecision": 2,
"lfPitchAndFamily": 1,
"fonttypeStr": "TRUETYPE",
"fonttype": 4
"tmHeight": 75,
"tmAscent": 60,
"tmDescent": 15,
"tmInternalLeading": 11,
"tmExternalLeading": 0,
"tmAveCharWidth": 21,
"tmMaxCharWidth": 74,
"tmWeight": 400,
"tmOverhang": 0,
"tmDigitizedAspectX": 192,
"tmDigitizedAspectY": 192,
"tmFirstChar": 32,
"tmLastChar": 0,
"tmDefaultChar": 2,
"tmBreakChar": -5,
"tmItalic": 31,
"tmUnderline": 0,
"tmStruckOut": 32,
"tmPitchAndFamily": 0,
"tmCharSet": 0,
"tmCharSetName": "ANSI"
@MichaelT_123 Thanks for your code.
My basic hypothesis is that all this work was already done by fusion so I should not need to do it again...
This is why I prefer interrogating the existing font dropdowns in the UI over going to the file system...
Though I Do think It would be nice and helpfull if Autodesk would add some directly accessible font information into the API. ( a Design.FontList would be a nice addition)
@MichaelT_123 Thanks for your code.
My basic hypothesis is that all this work was already done by fusion so I should not need to do it again...
This is why I prefer interrogating the existing font dropdowns in the UI over going to the file system...
Though I Do think It would be nice and helpfull if Autodesk would add some directly accessible font information into the API. ( a Design.FontList would be a nice addition)
@kandennti , Yes, I saw this comment about CommandDefinition.execute being actually executed when the script is done on some other post.
This might be similar to document refreshes in Javascript and HTML.
Maybe using some techniques similar to those used in that case might be also helpful here,
like using timeouts or calls to sleep of some sort to release hold of the running thread...
I am somehow failing to figure out how to get from a CommandDefinition to the Command object
@kandennti , Yes, I saw this comment about CommandDefinition.execute being actually executed when the script is done on some other post.
This might be similar to document refreshes in Javascript and HTML.
Maybe using some techniques similar to those used in that case might be also helpful here,
like using timeouts or calls to sleep of some sort to release hold of the running thread...
I am somehow failing to figure out how to get from a CommandDefinition to the Command object
@epeleg .
I don't think there is a way to get a Command object from CommandDefinition.
If it were me, I would just use the getSketchTextFonts function you created if it works.
@epeleg .
I don't think there is a way to get a Command object from CommandDefinition.
If it were me, I would just use the getSketchTextFonts function you created if it works.
@kandennti you might find this:
It shows a way to force the Command.Execute to execute immediately like so:
var alignCommand = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('AlignComponentsCmd'); var nvs = adsk.core.NamedValues.create(); nvs.add('executeImmediately', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString('true')); alignCommand.execute(nvs);
I am assuming this is not specific to the alignCommand.
@kandennti you might find this:
It shows a way to force the Command.Execute to execute immediately like so:
var alignCommand = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('AlignComponentsCmd'); var nvs = adsk.core.NamedValues.create(); nvs.add('executeImmediately', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString('true')); alignCommand.execute(nvs);
I am assuming this is not specific to the alignCommand.
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