I mean conic curves especially, but splines could get some love too.
Conic curves, while being a beautiful mathematical concept, seem to be nearly useless in Fusion 360. Why? Because nearly no constraints work on them. Even basic "make this line end on this curve" fails. Tangents automatically "correct" themselves to apply to the end of the curve.
I may be wrong, but doesn't finding tangent to any curve in any point come down to calculating some kind of derivative? This seems to be trivial in comparison to many other F360 tools.
What could be useful is intuitive and simple defining the kind of the curve, as well as possibility of defining it with points and tangencies. By "kind" I mean – if it's elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic. Option of defining elliptic curves (and full ellipsae) with foci and/or axes would be nice too.
When it comes to splines – well, tangents. All this does (surprisingly, as splines seem to me much more complex, not to mention they work in 3D) work a bit better than in conics, but still having an option to define tangencies for the spline with a few clicks would be great.