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Prevent Overlapping Sketch Symbols

Prevent Overlapping Sketch Symbols

Sometimes when sketching the contraint and other symbols overlap resulting in the inability to select one to delete or edit. For example in the attached image an overlapping rectangular pattern symbol (which I want to edit) and a coincident symbol.


What I think could work is rotating symbols all around the common reference point in a grid so that 4 can be displayed. Once Once there is more than 4 around one reference point a new symbol appears to show that there are more than 4 symbols here. When you hover over this symbol all the symbols dropdown in a line so that you can select the one you want to operate on.



Hi @Anonymous,


If you left click and hold on the symbols, it will give you a drop down list displaying the different selection options.


As you move down the list the item that you are selecting is highlighted in blue.


e.g. below i have the 'perpendicular' symbol highlighted, and then when i move down the list i get the 'tangent' symbol highlighted.







Is this what you're looking for? 





Not applicable

HI Alexander


I didn't know you could do that but it isn't what I am after. I have a coincident and rectangular pattern symbol on top of each other. I want to select the rectangular pattern and right click edit it. I can't find a way to do that.


Any other ideas?




Ah, got you now.


That does look like something that needs looking into. Good suggestion!

Community Manager
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選

Yes, We need to fix this. We have this captured in our backlog and will be working this soon. 


Indeed, when you left-click (and hold) to get the drop-down menu, your developers should then add a right-click, context-sensitive menu to each item. When is this expect to be done? This was requested a year ago and is still a problem


I know this is hard to solve, but it really needs some attention. I have a family of designs with circular patterns of different radii all around a common center point which need to be modified. It has taken me an hour to do two minutes worth of work trying to select the correct pattern. This wouldn't be a huge deal, but these concentric circular patterns are an industrial design element and the customer is very finicky. Either that or allow for multiple circular patterns  of different radii in one command.

Not applicable

Checking in--being unable to edit overlapping circular patterns (same point of rotation) is extremely frustrating. If I want to un-suppress any instance of the pattern, my current solution is to create a new circular pattern from the neighboring instance or to delete every single instance of the pattern manually and then create an all-new pattern.


Huge waste of time for what should be a simple operation. I second the solution from @torinwalker where the "Select Other" dropdown is right-clickable.


Looking forward to seeing progress here.

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