I spent hours trying to figure out how to import a component from a file into a new design. The main reason this took so long was that in the early days, or maybe still on PCs, not sure, there was some other menu command, and that is still today the most common result in google searches (e.g. "fusion 360 import component"). These old videos and forum posts need to be deleted or notated.
Here is what I finally found: Go to the top level of the data panel and RIGHT-CLICK on the letters of the file name you want to get the menu that allows import (the letters don't highlight and appear active, and I believe if you click on the file's image it doesnt' work at all).
Why is this action not present on any obvious pull-down menu? I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to civil, but really, how COULD you s/w engineers have done anything so obscure and non-intuitive as to require a right click on something not normally visible when you are designing?
It is intuitive that design import commands should be on the file> and insert> menus. Please, please add them there and please keep in mind the goal of making the software more easy to use and intuitive. A command should NEVER be off the main menus, thatmakes your software impossible to learn and discover. (They are fine as Shortcuts.)
import - contextual menus - insert menu - import design - import component - easy of use - intuitive interface