Fusion 360 describes itself as a Parametric Modeling Environment.
If so, then why doesn't Fusion have the ability to make 1 set of User Parameters which are kept consistent between the designs that make use of them?
There is only one way to edit User Parameters, and it is not very well made.
People have made plugins allowing to import and export parameters, and in this way one can use the same parameters in two different designs.
If you edit one or more of the parameters in one design the changes are not propagated however to other designs using them - and this just does not feel right to me.
I like to split my projects in different designs - a guitar neck, a guitar body, a pickguard and a bridge, all in one project, and of course driven by the same set of parameters. I could make 1 big design with all of the above, but I really hate long Timelines.
If one parameter is changed in 1 design and I forget to update the other sets as well - the neck doesn't fit the guitarbody anymore or worse...
And yes, this has already happened to me. It was not nice to have to discard two fine pieces of tonewood, believe you me.
Why doesn't Fusion have the ability to make 1 set of User Parameters which are kept consistent between the designs that make use of them?
And, if you're at it, please make a better Parameter Edit Function.
Thank you for considering!
All the best,