New user to Fusion 360, running older windows system (Windows 😎 just logged in to continue with my first project to find I can no longer use Fusion 360 because they no longer support my OS, seriously!
So, if I have to spend minimum $225 AUD to upgrade OS (not including anything else that may be required to upgrade when changing from Win 8 to 10 i.e. currently used software that is no longer compatible / supported by windows 10), what is one supposed to do?
Why cant you maintain Fusion 360 to run with previously maintained OS platforms and just exclude updates that require OS upgrades?
Very annoyed, I like Fusion 360, I havent even cut or finished my first project and now you are forcing me to spend money on someone elses software, just to continue using yours!
Love to hear the communities thoughts on this, RUDE / UNFAIR and BS if you ask me.