Good day everyone!
I would like to request a new function for placing tolerance based dimensions in our 3D Models. I am hoping this option will give me the possibility to easily check tolerance stacks, give me a better workflow since I won't have to go back and forth between drawing and model when designing the tolerances and an option to easily send models for CNC milling without manually having to change dimension to the median of the tolerance. This idea is mostly based on the Inventor model tolerances.
Of course adding a tolerance to your 3D model might be achieved in many ways but I would like to illustrate one:
I feel like Model-tolerances might be relatively easily added by having some extra columns in the Parameters menu for the upper and lower tolerance, plus the current preview per dimension. I'm hoping the following mock-up will illustrate what I have in mind:

Most of the time you would not want to add any tolerances so simply leaving the options blanc would be fine. Or you might even choose to hide the tolerance options all together.
Some other changes would be nice to easily work with this new functionality:
- I would like to quickly name parameters to find them back easily in the parameters menu. (Also see this and this idea) This might even be expanded to the possibility for typing the tolerance behind the value. For example: "100 +- 0,50 mm" or "100 +0,7 -0,2mm" or "100mm h7". I would like to be able to place these in sketches and features.
- Being able to use the interference check for maximum and minimum tolerances to quickly prevent simple fitting error.
- Of course it would be fantastic if then the drawing environment would be able to extract this data and use it when dimensions are being placed.
- In the CAM-workspace i would like to be able to choose the current modelview to be on the Median value (or lower/upper). The same counts for exporting files to the 3D printer or as STEP-files. (As in most cases I would not actually mill the components myself)
Although tolerance inspections can go much further than the above solution I think it would fit Fusion to keep it simple in use and easy to learn. The above is just one solution but the main idea is that i would like some way to add and work with tolerances in my 3D model.