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Have local or global orientation for move command selectable

Have local or global orientation for move command selectable

It happens so often that when I want to move a shell the move orientation is always sampled from a surface normal.


And to move the object left right I need to re-orientate the 3D widget.


Would it be possible to have a global orientation on by default and if desired also local meaning when the object got

rotated the 3d widget is rotated as well.


In Blender you have such options at hand including also scale rotation move etc values for the object (like Alias)

which can be very helpful to have as well.

Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 10.04.13 AM.png



An addition to this would also be sampleing and saving vectors:


Sampling local rotation of selected object and saving vector

Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 11.16.15 AM.png


Using saved vector for other tasks in edit and object mode:

Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 11.16.34 AM.png

Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 11.18.38 AM.png




I think something sililar to 'local or global orientation' of blender is already available in F360.

Here the steps: (see also attached image).

1. Select the move tool
2. Click on the surface you want to move.

3. Click in the 'Reorient' button in the small tool window (see upper red arrow in the attached image)

4. Move the manipulator e.g. over one construction plane of the origin. You can also move over any other face also of different bodies to align the manupulator.

5. Click 'Stop reorient' in the small tool window (see lower red arrow in tha attached image)

6. Move the surface using the manipulators arrows


Hope that helps.




The problem with this, that this tool is incomplete:


You nearly need to each time re-orientate the 3D widget

when you do a move command.


Second you cannot save orientations to be reused afterwards.


Yes, this is something I have wanted since the first beta. I described it as the ability to reset the default orientation of the manipulator for a body or component.  Sometimes when you have created and copied and moved geometry through a complex process, the manipulator appears someplace that seems almost unrelated to the current geometry, and it needs to be reoriented every time you select the tool. In a complex drawing it can be a pain to position it exactly right, and I might need to do this many, many times as I try to fit parts together. 


In this picture, the manipulator appears with a locus a couple of mm away and no longer lined up with the part's orientation- which is not where I would want it. I could save a lot of time (and errors) if it would just stay where I put it last. 

Fusion 360ScreenSnapz012.jpg


In Blender you have local global etc but you can add as many custom vectors as you want and select from them in the orinetation menu. In Alias you can place vectors and select those as inputs for commands.



Thats quite handy.



Fusion has vector/orientations you can create.

I wanted to give it a try in the design time line.

Make a cube

add a vector

adjust the cube to see if the vector will adjust


but Fusion frooze and needed to force quit.


Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 11.32.03 AM.png


I tried it again and with moving the face the vector moves. so thats great.

But when you rotate the cube the vector remains. this should be added.


The vectors should be at best have an option to remain static or parametric.

Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 11.38.45 AM.png


I have recently begun design work on snapping, move and align issues.  One of the focus areas is the use of the ReOrient option.   These are some of the priorities I have gathered from this and other posts.  I will share an update as the design work progresses.  Thanks for your comments.


  • Provide more clearly designated access point potentially in the command dialog
  • Eliminate two stage selection to place in space
  • Align manipulator to coordinate space more easily
  • Utilize a more robust set of targets for placement including grids
Status changed to: オートデスク今後検討



I am really glad to read this. Snapping is a very underserved but highly needed work aid in Fusion when you want to work with more that sketches and features.


Looking forward to the improvements.


Looking at MOI Rhino Alias even Blender can be extremely insightful to showcase what a designer needs

to work and place objects accurately.


Hardly anything I do is 2D sketch based.

Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過



Thank you for your idea.  This is getting archived due to the lack of support.  We have improvements to our move and align tools coming out later this year.




Mike Prom
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選

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