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drawing geometry in Drawings

drawing geometry in Drawings

Add geometry creation to drawing workspace.

this will enable addition of construction details and an other information to drawings




Don't hold your breath on this, I posted pretty much the exact same idea back in 2014. Got two "likes" and zero response from Autodesk.


It seems Autodesk is totally uninterested in improving the 2D drawing module to anything remotely useful for a mechanical engineer doing production work. The conspiracy theorist in me says it is a scheme to try to sell more AutoCAD subscriptions..



Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hey @andyg3dF43WS@jkelindberg  - I wanted to give you a heads up that we've implemented basic sketch functionality in the Drawings workspace with the most recent Fusion 360 release. Read more on the What's New post here , and send over any feedback or questions on the new features or work in progress to We know we have a lot of improvements to make in the Drawings workspace, and we have some awesome new development teams focused on delivering new functionality with each coming Fusion release. Check out our roadmap here for more details. 

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