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Copy/Past NEW problem with uniquely identifying Joints between original and copy

Copy/Past NEW problem with uniquely identifying Joints between original and copy

When you do a Copy/PasteNEW of some Component the new component name gets a subscript, e.g. " (1)", which uniquely names it and distinguishes it from the original. In addition, each of the SUB-components of the original also gets that same subscript in order to ALSO uniquely identify the sub-components.

For example:


CopyNEW Problem 1.jpg


HOWEVER, that very useful approach of uniquely distinguishing items between the  original and the copied object DOES NOT HAPPEN with the Joints within the Components. As in the following, where each of the Joints in the Copy/PastedNEW Component has the exact SAME NAME as the corresponding ones in the original Component.



CopyNEW Problem 2.jpg


This means that there is no way to distinguish between a Joint in the original component and a corresponding Joint in the copied Component. This probably isn't a concern when a designer is only using the model for its overall shape, but it is CRITICAL when the designer is also writing a script that is intended to MANIPULATE the model via its many Joints. Now, it IS indeed possible to go back into the model and MANUALLY rename each Joint in the copied Component, but why should the designer have to do that? Since the PasteNEW operation is already renaming the components of the copy, by adding subscripts to the component's names, why isn't it also doing it for the Joints?




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