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A Paste NEW option for Pattern Tools

A Paste NEW option for Pattern Tools

There are Pattern tools for creating copies of Components in either rectangular or circular patterns. But the copies that are made of the original Component are always Paste type copies, i.e. copies that are effectively linked back to the original Component, such that changes to the original (or even any of the copies) implicitly causes identical changes to all the Patterned copies. This is quite useful in many situations.

However, I've encountered many situations where I really want the Paste NEW type of copies to be created by the Pattern tools, so that each copy is totally independent of the original. It might be for something as simple as being able to individually color each copy differently (via the Appearance or Physical Material tools) or to make separate changes or additions to each one or, more advanced, to be able to address and manipulate each one individually via a Script.

So, please add an option to the Pattern tools so that the user can choose whether he wants the copies to be of the simple Paste type or the Paste NEW type. And, yes, I do realize that we could manually do a Copy/Paste NEW for each of the copies we want to make and manually position them so that they end up in a Rectangular or Circular Patter, but since there's already a Pattern too to do that sort of copy/position, it makes sense makes sense that this requested option be added to the Pattern tool itself.

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