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Custom shortcuts / mapkeys

Custom shortcuts / mapkeys

It would be very nice to be able to set your own customized keyboard shortcuts (mapkeys / shortcuts / hotkeys) !


I find personal shortcuts to be extremely powerful, and use them in Inentor a lot.custom_keyb_shtcuts.png

Not applicable

To do it on Windows, you basically need the free software AutoHotKey and a little, little understanding of coding.


You can use my example code here to start your hotkeys:


; # = Win 
; ^ = Ctrl
; + = Shift
; ! = Alt
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe Fusion360.exe
$Sc029:: ; Edit Mode send s send edi send {enter} return
$#b:: ; Bridge send s sleep 10 send bri send {enter} return $^1:: ; Detail Level 1 send !1 return $^2:: ; Detail Level 2 send !2 return $^3:: ; Detail Level 3 send !3 return



Not applicable

Very much needed function. Ash Thorp and co are constantly bringing this up as well.


yes please.

Not applicable

Please, add this function! I have perfect key setup in Alias and I can't use it in Fusion 360.


It's a quite common feature, we need that.


+1000000 on customization keyboard shortcuts!


I'm new to Fusion, and am growing to love the program, but I'm ASTOUNDED at how clunky the implementation of the keyboard is compared to other similar programs.


I really feel you're dropping the ball on this. People were begging you to get the keyboard shortcuts customizable in 2013!


It's 2017 and you're still "considering" it??!?  What the heck?!?


"Oh it's SIMPLE, press S then type what you want! Sweet!"  Ahhh, no, it's CLUNKY, and over thought, IMHO. It's an over-engineered response to a basic request.


OBVIOUS basic interface issue back-burnered or outright ignored? You've had dozens of people who are professionals, using design software all day long offer implementation ideas, examples, even suggesting how to structure it, and they've been roundly ignored. 


Now it's gotten to the point people are suggesting third party software to fix what should have been implemented almost from day one. Who produces a product without figuring out what professional in the field want it to be like? Even Microsoft, long known for ignoring users, has turned around and started listening.


You SERIOUSLY need to hire someone who does user interface design since the staff you have now appear to be too involved in complexity to figure out a basic function that's been in computers since day one, the keyboard.


I LOVE Fusion360!!! I truly do. But it's too bloody difficult to use without proper keyboard support. It take WAY to long to place a simple point, or dozens of other basic steps.


Yes, this is the age of touchscreens and tablets, and yes, we're moving away from traditional PCs, but I bet if you polled your customers you'd find 90% or more run strictly on those old fashioned desktop PC & Mac platforms.


We should NOT have to rely on some complex, hand programmed, third party programs to make your software actually usable. I really think a reality check is needed here. This isn't an issue of "oh that would be nice" it's an issue that should have been NAILED DOWN 6 months after release of Beta 1.


We need to be able to change the keyboard, and import / export command settings.


My rather passionate 2 cents.



Just like I said...but you're much nicer!

Good luck with that request.
Making parts of sketching not visible is much more important that a faster user interface...time is money and this is nonsensical...

“We should NOT have to rely on some complex, hand programmed, third party programs to make your software actually usable. I really think a reality check is needed here. This isn't an issue of "oh that would be nice" it's an issue that should have been NAILED DOWN 6 months after release of Beta 1."

And "no sh-t!"

“We should NOT have to rely on some complex, hand programmed, third party programs to make your software actually usable. I really think a reality check is needed here. This isn't an issue of "oh that would be nice" it's an issue that should have been NAILED DOWN 6 months after release of Beta 1."

And "no sh-t!"
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選

I can humbly proclaim that we are currently spec’ing work on this project. That being said, I will still need to ask for your patience since we have to finish up work on a few other projects before we are able to begin coding. Between finishing up the other projects and then going through the process of user experience design, code implementation, and quality tests, I would not expect to see this in the product until late this year (or potentially early next year in the worst case scenario). Apologies that it has taken us this long, and I wish I could tell you that it was coming sooner, but I share your pain and am excited to have this functionality in Fusion in the near future. Thank you for your passionate pleas, and your patience!




Hey Lucas - if in the mean time you could add sketch constraints to the s toolshelf it would be already a fantastic addition

and finish the toolshelf abilities.


While this is not a custom hotkey the S menu is incredibly flexible and fast to use.


+Lucas -


That's wonderful to hear! I appreciate that the team is listening to us and working on this one. I'm good at many things, patience not being one of them ... (LOL), but I'll give it a try.


Eagerly looking forward to being able to remap and Import / Export same.




Thanks Lukas,

I just started learning Fusion to use it as a ad on for Alias, some stuff is much faster, but the workflow without custom shortcuts is really a wast of time. I am glad you are working on it now : )


I hope you are working on a custom Marking Menue as well, this would be another fantastic feature! Just like in Alias...




Not applicable

Good to hear that it's on track for implementation... Personally hoping that it comes along soon - I'd even opt into an unstable version if it let me rebind my hotkeys. That being said, an excellent bonus feature would be to allow keyboard shortcuts to be context-sensitive - just one example is that I'd expect to be able to use "R" both for creating a rectangle (while editing a sketch) and for accessing the revolve tool (while editing a body or component)...


The search shortcut is not an unreasonable stopgap measure, but the truth is that each time I use it makes me a tiny bit more frustrated - even if I've figured out the dead minimum number of keystrokes to reach the functions I use frequently, it still both triples the number of strokes I take to access a tool (at minimum!) and makes a single missed keystroke much more of an issue (since that means I have to break my workflow to figure out what the typo is and how to fix it).


YES, bring on the custom mapping of the keyboard!!!


I have been using my own hotkey list through 17 generations of solidworks, I thought I could map Fusions and I'd be off and running, NOT!



Good to hear you guys listen, this will make it usable for Pro's.


Any word on a beta??? I'll test it!!!




Already moved onto Inventor...I'm out.


if I have to move to inventor I'll just stick with my SolidWorks seat.


If Autodesk really wants to capture SolidWorks users at a minimum they HAVE TO HAVE user customizable hot keys!!!!.

I was told by the demo guy at WESTEC this year that they were putting the majority of effort on Fusion and that Inventor would become their legacy product eventually.


If they are SUPER smart, context remapping of keys when in the different canvas modes would be awesome like editbay products in the film world.


All my most used tools are a single key, Most used closest to my left hand, not enough single keys for every command I like to use unfortunately without context remapping.


I'm starting a new business and I'll take the hit on the learning curve for the cost savings but time will tell now if I can do everything I can now with SW




If I could use the same keys I use now, BAM! big time savings out of the box.


my number pad does all the views. But when an input box opens for dim's let say, all those number keys are still available for input with SW

4 left

6 right

8 back

2 front

5 top

0 bottom


i iso

p solid with edges

L solid line view

K underlying sketches

e temporary axis

F fit model to screen

B last view


etc. etc.


Keys are great cause I can then strip all the redundant ICONS from the screen area getting more viewing for my designs, that's most important.  running all over the screen to click Icons wastes time, have to reduce the cursor mileage!


If Autodesk is listening, SolidWorks has a way to copy user settings to port to the newer versions as they come out. If Fusion could read that file and capture as much as possible and then report back what was not translatable for the user to know what to do with after, WAY BIG time savings for the new SW to Fusion adopter.


The less Autodesk asks a SW user to relearn or setup the easier the sell would be.


The demo guy said that Autodesk was tired of having their butts kicked in the 3d CAD market, so here is another way to get SW to kick their own butt.


1. context remapable keyboard to make a SINGLE KEY multi function.

2. SW user preferences capture



I've been learning to use Blender the last few weeks.  It's not easy, but once one knows the key command it becomes extremely efficient - for instance to scale simply type the s key and the tool is active -  no more clicking, selecting unless a particular ortho direction is required and then its just one more key "z,x,y", and you're on your way.  Every keystroke is context enabled in every editing mode. --- consistency makes the effort of learning the keyboard worthwhile - there's no unexpected changes to the interface.   The biggest obstacle to adopting Fusion is the tool interface - what can be done with a single keystroke in Blender takes .... okay so here's a good example of the sort of dismay I experience with Fusion:


I open the application so that I can actually count the number of clicks and so forth it will actually take to scale an object.  

I open a file with a single object in it.  


1. I select the object  

2. I type S which brings up the toolbox  

3. I click on the scale icon   

4. The object selected becomes unselected

5. I window select the object again, but it won't be selected.  

6. The tool dialoge box shows a point selected to scale from I click on the select botton -


There's six bits just there and I haven't even managed to scale the object.  It's this sort of ridiculous interface hassle that turns me off for the next few weeks until I return to see if anything's improved.  All the groovey data base cloud functionality is wonderful - well done - but it's as if you've a stadium with a single doorway.  


@roambotics_scott @RobbGodshaw


The problem is that you cannot show everything in it.

For example sketch constraints are excluded.


But yeah that is otherwise how I work - I never use the menus.

I am surprised you guys do not know about it!!!

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