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Changing User Parameters in web widget

Changing User Parameters in web widget

Fusion360 currently offers a web widget. However the web widget is "static" and does not allow for dynamic modification of design, hence limiting the possibility of parametric manufacturing .

By providing capabilities to dynamically modify selected paramteters in the web widget, it will open up Fusion360 to parametric manufacturing and customized products. One way to provide this capability is to allow the web widget users to modify the user parameters in a Fusion360 design, within the range of values specified by the owner of the Fusion360 design.

Example use cases:
1. A furniture company building custom parametric furniture will be able to allow an user to modify the exact dimensions (through approved User Parameters), visualize the result, and in the backend connect to the CAM portion of Fusion 360 and automatically build the furniture.
2. Architect sharing a design of a proposed building, allowing certain User Parameter modification so that the user can compare between different variants of design (say, the ceiling height being a modifiable User Parameter). 

Additional ideas:
- Call back/hook up to a script to validate the combinations of provided User Parameters (for example the user parameter Length must not be more than 2 times Width, and the Width cannot be more than 0.9m)

Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選

We are adding API support for CAM in the November release.


This will allow you regen a toolpath and post.






@al.whatmough Are you also implying that you are adding new capabilities to the web widget so that the end user can modify some of the User Parameters and visualize the customized design in the web widget?

Many use cases for this feature request do not necessarily involve CAM via Fusion360. For example most companies would already have their CAM/CNC set up, and they would need to continue using their workflow However, they would benefit if the webwidget allows user to customize and visualize their products and then record the User Paramters (that can be easily be done by a Javascript on the webpage outside the web widget) and then manufcature using whatever system they currently employ.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration

I think you are asking for integrated with CAM on the back end. This is a future consideration for us.




Is Configurator360 compatible with Fusion360 currently? The web site says it is compatible with Inventor but did not mention Fusion360. If it does, then yes it would satisfy (more or less) the needs of this feature request.



Not applicable

This dosen't need (automatic) cam on the back end to make it very useful and exciting.


I have seen this before with a Solidworks driven 3d web widget. I ordered a custom sheet metal coolant pan from a Killarney Metals online, and the automated instant web quote process allowed me to set the dimensions, review the resulting drawing, and submit an initial order.




I was presented with nice clear drawing of the resulting custom pan specs and dimentions, after selecting my preferences of pan height, width, length, metal thickness, metal type, etc.


All this idea needs to be useful in many respects, is for the end client or customer to be able to customise the model parameters as part of a shopping cart order experience, or at least a way to set parameters, review the resulting model, and send a request for quote or initial order.


Price could be automatically calculated in some cases based on the choices made, so the shopper dosen't have to wait to get a price quote on a cutomizable item.


Orders could simply be sent to an email inbox in early versions. Later, an intelligent cloud based ordering and fulfillment system could be built out or stiched into an existing such system with a plugin or whatever.


A cam backend to tie in such a instant-quote 3d web widget would be nice, but complete overkill in many cases.


Sheet good cnc folks would benefit alot from intelligent nesting based on accepted orders, but first things first. Let the customer set the parameters, then send me their chosen parameters so I can look at them and the resulting 3d model to confirm the order and take it from there. Automatic cam and nesting, logistics, etc, can follow later to enhance the processs.


The Big First Step is having a new online customer essentially say, "I want this product, done with these parameter choices, and here is my credit card number".






Not applicable

Free or much cheaper than 3000$ Configurator 360 is exactly what fusion 360 needs, it will shift thingiverse domination with it's openscad oriented configurator and terrible ui. I'm sure that many makers/hobbist would willing to pay % of each sell made through such configurator or pay reasonable monthly subscription. I know I will. 

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