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Build Fusion for Ubuntu

Build Fusion for Ubuntu

Fusion is the best CAD Cam software I have ever used and it would be amazing if it worked on Ubuntu which is the best OS. 

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I am doing a course on Instructables "", which by the way is currently free, and it recommends using Fusion 360.


This is where the problem started, I currently use Tinkercad as it works with Linux (Ubuntu) and will try Fusion 360 under wine but would prefer to see some real native support for Linux.

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Did you manager to install it using wine?





Community Manager
Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

We do not plan to build a Linux native client. However we are working on a browser access point for Fusion and that will work on any WebGL enabled browser (see for a very early stage preview) and we see that as the way forward for Linux users.



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Like many Universities and non-profit organizations around the country, we participate in outreach programs with K-12 students. A large part of this work involves students from financially challenged neighborhoods. Typically, programs include donated and often rebuild computer systems that have no operating system - they are literally rebuilt from e-Waste. We revamp these, add graphic cards and a CAD program. A large part of the cost is the operating system - supporting Linux as an operating system would greatly increase the number of disadvantaged youth we could reach as well as open Auto Cad to a greater potential market share.    

Community Visitor
Community Visitor

Can I ask why such a platform gets left out more and more technical people are leaving Windows for Linux

and if there was a good cad package I could use under linux I would pay for that long before I'll pay for windows and all the headaches that comes with it


with Linux or at least debain based derivatives ubuntu and Mint and such you get long term supported versions that support last for multiple years so you can be relatively sure things wont be broken and you get stabliity that windows will not even come close to matching even its own update system screws with things


so much of the CAM stuff would be far safer under linux no forced updates mid process destroying a print or a milling job. 




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@Anonymous wrote:

Fusion is the best CAD Cam software I have ever used and it would be amazing if it worked on Ubuntu which is the best OS. 

Most of your $EDA companies leverage Windows components so heavily that they'd have to re-write from the ground up. So, it's not likely. 

Not applicable

If you want to win the hearts of engineering students you should support linux.

>but linux users don't buy stuff
true. then again this is free software.

If that takes too much work, perhaps just pay a smaller dev team to guarantee that wine works.

Also, it seems that project leopard died. Maybe it was shot down?

Not applicable

With the up-mars of Windows 10 and it's hazardous nature of scraping all your private data inside out and force feeding you advertisements, I moved to Ubuntu as alternative.

But there is no normal 3D CAD software. FreeCAD is still in alpha and I don't want to work in a browser. Siemens NX isn't an option because they stopped the development of NX for Linux. And is simply to expensive for me.

Please reconsider in supporting Linux and more specially Debian based systems, then you would have reached the majority of distributions like Ubuntu, Linux Mint and of course Debian.

I would buy a subscription just for this support.

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