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2D drawing (without having to import a model)

2D drawing (without having to import a model)

With the added additons of the CAM side of fusion branching out to laser/waterjet/plasma etc. I would like to be able to draw simple part gemoetry in the 2D environment and that can then be sent to be posted in the CAM environment.


Working in a sheet metal job shop I do create some simple 2D geometry wether it is a simple rectangle shape with a few holes, a ring to act as a spacer or a lift eye for a panel or skid. I only need to create 2D geometry which can be placed on a title block (for ISO purposes) and used to for post processing at a laser/waterjet/plasma. Items like this I don't need to go fully 3D but still need to keep a record of. 


A model space with simple parametric drawing features in the 2D drawing environment would be great.


Thank you

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