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3D printing Physical materials for stress analysis

3D printing Physical materials for stress analysis

As most of my designing ends up as printed parts It would be handy to be able to set material to FDM style 3D printing material, maybe as a sub menu off materials so you pick ABS as main material but can then choose printing specs like .2mm layer height, 0.4mm nozzle diameter you would also need to set a layer direction. I am sure someone out there has done analysis of inter layer adhesion and other stress characteristics, maybe you could partner with one of the manufacturers like Polymaker for stats.


I only print FDM currently but there could also be materials for 

  • Stereolithography(SLA)
  • Digital Light Processing(DLP)
  • Fused deposition modeling (FDM)
  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
  • Selective laser melting (SLM)
  • Electronic Beam Melting (EBM)

Some are not ever going to be structural prints but a lot have that capability especially with new materials appearing all the time.

1 Comment

Simulation for this would be really difficult as 3D printing it very depending on the printer and the conditions present at the time of the print.

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