Hi Fusion MFG community
As you may have noticed, the Mesh workspace just graduated from being a tech preview and is now a part of Fusion 360 user interface by default with the July 7, 2021 release. With this release you can:
- Tesselate a solid body using triangles and/or quads to create mesh bodies.
- Insert multiple mesh files including STL OBJ and 3MF
- Interact with mesh bodies and face groups in both the parametric and direct modeling
- Automatically repair broken mesh bodies.
- Shell/hollow a mesh body
- Combine / Separate mesh bodies
- Generate face groups on mesh bodies and those convert mesh bodies to solid or surface bodies.
- and more...
The workflows we implemented contains several intelligent default settings and the ability to preview the outcome of each command before executing them, so that users don’t have be an expert in working with mesh data to benefit from this functionality.
This release also comes with several known limitations:
3mf related limits
- Upload 3mf is currently not supported
- There is an inconsistency between Open and Insert 3mf workflows for assemblies (Open workflow display the component hierarchy, Insert workflow produces a single component with multiple bodies)
- When exporting a 3mf, appearance and physical material are not exported as color information
Workspace related limits:
- Mesh bodies are not supported as an input to Assemblies in Design workspace
- Mesh bodies are not supported in Simulation workspace
- Mesh bodies are not supported in Drawings workspace
- Mesh bodies are not supported in Generative Design workspace
- Mesh only components are not supported in Animation workspace when using Manual or Auto Explode
Face group related limits
- Generate Face Groups feature is not designed for mesh bodies generated using scan data.
- Accurate type within Generate Face Groups feature is not designed to find boundaries between complex curved surfaces.
- Face group information stored in *.OBJ files is not loaded into Fusion
With upcoming releases of Fusion 360, we will
- start eliminating the above known limitations.
- continue to identify and fix new issues related to mesh workflows
- improve the functionality around hollowing mesh bodies and
- introduce new methods for converting organic mesh bodies to solid more effectively.
We also would love to hear back from you.
So here are some of our questions:
- Have you experienced any issues importing / working with / editing mesh data in Fusion 360?
- Can anyone send us examples of models you are experiencing such issues?
- What would you want us to focus on for improving mesh based workflows?
No “Insert mesh” + “convert to solid” failed feedback please. You need to “generate face groups” before attempting to convert mesh bodies to solid bodies first 😊
There are no wrong answers here, we are just looking to start a conversation on how you plan to utilize the new mesh functionality in your workflow.
All questions, comments, and criticisms are welcome.
Sualp Ozel, PE
Senior Product Manager
Additive Manufacturing