Hi @jorge_garcia ,
My apologies for the late reaction,
I'll firstly say, The shared libraries are working again!
It seemed to be fixed after a restart of the pc, this was probably needed after installing Win64 openSSL 1.1.1Light (a simple restart of EAGLE is apperantly not enough).
I went over to the available libraries tab and the libraries were visible again, They were not before.
Currently all is working well again, I am able to use, adjust and update the shared libraries and also able to download the latest version(s).
Altough it is fixed for me after a few work arounds, The problem can still arise for new users running Windows 11. This has something to do with the compatibility of 32-bit files linked to account validation and sign in (or something in that area), not being properly supported by Windows 11 if you ask me, but I am no expert on this...
If there are more questions I'll happily answer them to try and solve this issue.
Also a 'quick' summary of the steps taken to solve this issue:
1 - Change the LIBEAY32.DLL to LIBEAY32.DLL.BAK
effect -> EAGLE got past splash screen but not able to go online.
2 - Change the original LIBEAY32.DLL and SSLEAY32.DLL to LIBEAY32.DLL.BAK and SSLEAY32.DLL.BAK and download and copy the new LIBEAY32.DLL and SSLEAY32.DLL in the EAGLE directory. file was downloaded from:
Index of /win/tools (totalcommander.ch) The name of the file is: openssl-1.0.2u-x64_86-win64.zip.
effect -> EAGLE is able to go online, but cannot sync/open/use shared/managed libraries from library.io
3 - Downloaded the "Win64 OpenSSL v1.1.1L Light" from: Win32/Win64 OpenSSL Installer for Windows - Shining Light Productions (slproweb.com) Linked in the forum post, ran the .exe and restarted eagle.
effect -> Nothing new after a restart of EAGLE which was recommended in the forum post, but after a restart of the pc, the libraries appeared in the available tab in the library manager again and were able to be used as normal.
I linked a forum post in my initial question, but it seems I linked the wrong one, my apologies
The correct one is: EAGLE is stuck in offline mode after signing in | EAGLE | Autodesk Knowledge Network
This post also links to the first link but has the other steps listed aswell.