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Block within a block and linking fields

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Block within a block and linking fields

Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone can help me with a field linking problem. I currently have a block within a block within a block (3 levels) and I'm hoping that at the third level I can add an attribute with an linked field from the first level. I know it's a bit confusing typing this out so I attached a sample with the blocks named at the levels I mean.


The 1st level contains two blocks - one called "PNO" which carries a numerical attribute and the other called "2nd level". In the second level block there is a circular block called "3rd level" that has an undefined attribute. I'd like to fill this attribute as a linked field from the PNO value, but every time I try to insert field expression it doesn't work. Is there a way to click on the object if one is at a different level of the nested block? I have to do this for hundreds of blocks and I'm hoping there is a linked field option or maybe a solution I have not thought about.


Another option I wondered about if it is possible to have a linked field taking the layer name of the block. Block "1st level" is at the a numerical layer and maybe I can bypass using the "PNO" block and somehow have the attribute of the 3rd level block linked to the layer name of the 1st level.


Any help would be appreaciated.

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