More information...ok...everything you need to know to find out how I did this is on the Fusion preview forums.
@dieter made a post that shows the basis to create stuff like this. I already knew how to do the base for this before his post but it got me thinking since rarely use tools in the conventional ways I began testing "other" uses for the tools that are coming out soon and here we are. A very usable method to create geometry that was very hard or next to impossible before.
To answer your question yes I used the new sheet metal tools to achieve this completely in Fusion.
I hope this opens peoples minds to thinking outside the box to achieve their end goals instead of complaining about missing functionality all the time....
The Fusion team wanted to know our workflows to help them enhance the tools....I needed to be able to do stuff like this all the time as I rarely work on basic sheet metal designs. My designs create more advanced sheet metal forms so I needed to figure out a way to achieve this with the first round of tools they are going to be offering rather then complain about what is missing...
More to come....
Phil Procario Jr.
Owner, Laser & CNC Creations