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See where Subassembly is used

See where Subassembly is used

I would like to be able to quickly see where each subassembly is used. At a minimum, be able to see which corridor is is used in. A bonus would be to right click and and have it highlight the regions it is being used in.


I think that is strongly necesary some command (or perhaps a new tab in the assembly properties), to list all the Regions (of all Corridors) that they are using that assembly.


If it was a command (choose the assembly by picking in the drawing or by a list), and a combobox filter (about corridor).



I am scary every time I have to modify some assembly because I don´t know if that assembly is being using for another Region and it can´t change some parameter of the subassemblies. In that case, I had to copy the assembly to create a new, but I am not sure if it is necessary.


We could check the "parameters" tab of the corridor form, checking each Region if it has assigned that assembly, but it is a lot of work to do that.

(Now I have a corridor with more than 30 regions...) so it was crazy checking their assemblies every time.


I reaffirm that a new tab in the assembly properties form would be best.




In my app (addon), I did a command in which you could select an assembly in the drawing and then the command list all references (Corridor name, BaseLine name and Region Name) in the command line, checking each corridor region in the drawing.


I think this would be also feasible for subassemblies.



In my opinion, if we select an assembly or subassembly in the drawing (or in the ToolSpace), the context menu of that object should show us "References..." option to get a list, similar than currently we can do with styles.



I proposed another type of command:


Where you can pick a point on a corridor and then according to the picked point you can open the respective assembly properties dialog box.

(in fact, is the reverse of your proposed idea).








Another option is the corridor properties has a "Summary" tab where it is listed the names of the used assemblies and the used subasssemblies.

変更されたステータス: Accepted

This idea is under consideration for a future version of Civil 3D. Please visit the Autodesk Civil Infrastructure Product Roadmap for details and to vote for this idea to indicate its importance relative to other items that are under consideration.



@Michael_McKeon , would you please let me know whether new Subassemblies tools in Project Explorer satisfy this requirement for you? If you open PE and go to Subassemblies tab, pick a subassembly, and go to the Associated Corridor Regions tab, it'll show you the corridor and region associated with the subassembly.

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