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Rename Layout Tab When Copying It

Rename Layout Tab When Copying It

Since you can't have multiple layout tabs with the same name, can we include the ability to rename the new layout in the "Move or Copy" dialog box rather than having to create the new tab and then double-click to rename it? It seems like it'd be a pretty basic option; if you click "Create a copy", then you have the option to give that copied layout a new name. Is it there and I've just missed it all along?

Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your idea. This would need to be addressed in core AutoCAD, but we will share this with the AutoCAD team for review while customers continue to add feedback and vote on it.

Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your idea. The development team will review the idea while customers continue to add feedback and vote on it.

Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your idea. The development team will review the idea while customers continue to add feedback and vote on it.


Within the Move or Copy dialog box, there is a checkbox that you check if you want to make a copy. 

  • Add a text box next to it. 
  • When the user checks it, the text box is enabled and the ok button is disabled.
  • When the user has typed in a new name that IS UNIQUE as compared to other layouts, the ok button is enabled again.

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