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If the command requires saving file, offer chance to save it!

If the command requires saving file, offer chance to save it!

There are a number of tasks/commands that the file is saved immediately before running the command (such as CREATECROPPEDSURFACE or creating shortcuts).  Currently, it just puts up a dialog telling me that the file needs saved first.  The only option is close the dialog.  Then I have to save it myself and then restart the command.


It seems to me that the dialog should tell me the file needs saved and offer the chance to save it and then run the command.


I would argue that the dialog should go away completely and be solved programatically away from the user's view.


I think some of these have to do with AutoCAD drawings becoming senile and thinking they are temporary drawings instead of the actual file you started with. Instead of using the call that returns the actual file name the programmer is grabbing the one that uses either the real drawing name or the temporary one that gets created during an autosave. This obviously came across as a defect. Instead of changing the code to go grab it in the other location they went and had the user save. A crappy solution in my opinion and should not be used EVER. This even pops up when creating an XREF and use the relative path option. They all need to be fixed instead of letting the user do all of the work.


After all haven't we been promised "Infinite Computing"? It seems like with "infinite computing" we should at least have the assurance that a drawing can have enough memory and processing power to figure out what drawing it is.


For example: import styles.


There is ZERO reason that I need to save the drawing when running CREATECROPPEDSURFACE. Just crop the surface and be done with it. I "GET IT" that it's going to use the DWG file on disk. 


Here is a reason why. I open a DWG for the purpose of cropping a surface. After the drawing opens I may pan and zoom the view. Then when I run the command, it prompts me to Save? I don't want to save the DWG file because I do not want the time and date on the file changing. So I have to Save the DWG, do my crop, then Delete the DWG and rename the BAK to DWG in order to restore the original unaltered DWG file.


Total waste of time and a chance I'll lose my original DWG.




I "GET IT" that it's going to use the DWG file on disk.


I think it would even be useful if it DID allow you to crop the surface based on the memory version of the file as opposed to what's on disk.  For example, I might need to generate a "what-if-we-do-this" type of cropped surface.  Meaning what will this look like if I move this featureline or something.  But I don't want to save that change.


What really irks me about this, as example when one right clicks the Data Shortcuts node in Toolspace to select 'Create Data Shortcuts...' is that the context MenuItem's Click event handler silently calls the Method that defines the CREATEDATASHORTCUTS CommandMethod, rather than simply locking the Document to invoke the Command itself (+/- 3 extra lines of code?).


Had they done that, we could conditionally Veto() the Command when Document isn't saved, save the document programmatically, and then invoke the Command again.


Heck, they could likely even swap the code-behind Method call for SendStringToExecute(), which would allow same without an additional Using statement, etc.


Yes, the development team has way too much on their plate, and yes this shouldn't have been an issue from the outset - but it is (an issue), and those of us who would gladly fill in some gaps, still cannot even do that because of how the development team implement the issue to begin with. Grrr


as a productivity improvement....... does this really require discussion over adding an option to save now "yes/no"?  come on guys.

Status changed to: Future Consideration
Status changed to: Accepted
Status changed to: Future Consideration

I've found 2 commands in Civil 3D 2016 that won't continue without having saved the drawing:


1. "Export Civil 3D Drawing"

2. Create Cropped Surface


The create data shortcut and plans production allow you to save the drawing before you continue.


What did I miss?



Peter Funk
Sr Product Manager
Civil 3D
Autodesk, Inc.


Create Cropped Surface is the one that I was using when I wrote the
suggestion. . But I could have sworn I'd gotten the message for Create
Shortcut too.

We fixed that one a few releases back, I'm just not sure when.


We'll keep this open if anyone else finds one that we've missed.



Peter Funk
Sr Product Manager
Civil 3D
Autodesk, Inc.

Ah that explains it. I just got into the habit of saving the file before
running the Create Shortcut command. So I hadn't noticed.

The plan production tools require the sheets be saved prior to creating the sheets but that's because the sheets are being added to the Sheet Set Manager so I get that one. It would be nice, however, to let the user know that is going to happen prior to spending the 10-15 minutes going through all the settings, realizing the drawing will be saved, not wanting to save that particular version this way, and then cancelling out, saveas, start over.


This one has nothing to do with saving but it's the same idea, when you add a material to a quantity takeoff criteria, if the material "type" isn't set correctly, it tells you it isn't set correctly, you have to close the dialog, change the material type, and add it in again. There should be a "change it for me and add it in" button.


One that's not in your list, Peter, but was mentioned earlier, Import Styles requires the drawing be saved.




My earlier comment still stands.


Let ME make the decision to continue w/o saving. I understand the risks/consequences.


And if you insist on "warning" me, allow that dialog to be turned off forever.






Actually, we're not looking at allowing you to continue without saving, we are looking to make sure that if we do need you to save the drawing we present the Save Drawing dialog and don't make you cancel the command, save the drawing and the re-run the command. The ideal would be a "save and continue, save as and continue or cancel" dialog with an option to allow for "save and continue" to be done automatically.


The "don't save but continue" has the potential to make new drawings that depended on drawings or objects that don't exist. We'll take a look to see if in some cases like the cropped surface we can check the state of the drawing and the surface. If the drawing is named and the surface is un modified then we may not need to save the drawing. If the surface has been modifed, then we would need the drawing to be saved.


We could also look at new ways to share surfaces based on spatial queries.



Peter Funk
Sr Product Manager
Civil 3D
Autodesk, Inc.


To repeat my real world scenario - when I open a DWG and want to crop the surface, I do NOT want to save the drawing just because I panned it, or more realistically because I pasted in a border (by which to crop it).


Thank you.



To repeat, we'll look to see if we can just check if the surface was modified and only then require the drawing to be saved.



Peter Funk
Sr Product Manager
Civil 3D
Autodesk, Inc.

Status changed to: Accepted
Not applicable





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