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Enable option to set upstream slopes on gravity pipe networks

Enable option to set upstream slopes on gravity pipe networks

In Civil 3D, when working with gravity pipes, it is only possible to establish downstream slopes. That is, from a point of known coordinates and elevation, the slopes are established downstream. The reverse possibility, starting from a low point and establishing upstream slopes, does not seem to be available.
In pressure pipelines, both options are available.
Kindly requesting to consider incorporating the option of establishing upstream slopes in gravity pipelines. This request has been submitted by some users.




The capability for pipe slope adjustment is currently not developed. It would be beneficial to consider the option of adjusting the slopes of multiple pipe intervals simultaneously, rather than altering the slope of a single pipe.
Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your idea. Have you tried using Project Explorer for this requirement? Its pipe run capability for gravity networks enables you to set a consistent slope across multiple pipes while holding the end elevation.

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