Sometimes, I need some copy of alignments or profiles, but I need that they were dynamic (only in geometry data).
I have an alignment called Alignment_1 with calculated superElevations.
I copy / paste this alignment, so I get "Alignment_1_copy".
I add or remove superelevation critical stations in Aligment_1_copy, so I retain the original superelevation critical stations in the main alignment.
However, if I add or remove an entity in "Alignment_1", then I have to do manually this in "Alignment_1_copy" as well.
So, please, I would like objects called "dynamic copy alignment" / "dynamic copy design profile", where we can choose what was dynamic.
The copy object will be always in the same location, with the same geometry.
In this "dynamic copy alignment", the "geometry" would be locked.
In general, the copy alignment will be hide (alignment style=hide)
It would be useful fore a lot of scenarios, when we can use the copy object and modify some properties of that object, instead of the original object.
I would like to create "dynamic copy object" from C3D API to use them temporary and finally remove them.