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Customer Success Hub training resources incorrect

Customer Success Hub training resources incorrect

Steps to reproduce
The resources provided in the Infodrainage course in Customer Success Hub do not have complete data that is used in the video training. The surface data is incorrect to the one used in the video, the .iddx files provided also have lots of missing data.

Expected results
The data same as the video to provide allow training

Actual results
Insufficient and incorrect data provided

URL where issue occurs

Microsoft Edge


Community Visitor

Hi - thanks very much for pointing this out. There were issues with both the trim facility and the training data that have now been resolved. If you use InfoDrainage version 2024.1 (or later) and re-download the training data it should work for you. Please comment here, or contact us directly via Autodesk support services if you have any further issues.


Thanks again

Mike Reeves - InfoDrainage customer support

Status changed to: Implemented

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