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COGO Point Attribute Editing

COGO Point Attribute Editing

Recently I have needed the ability to 'copy' data from one column to another in the COGO Point data table. This was so when I created Blocks from the COGO Points I could use data not already attributed to the Block but available to the COGO Point such as LocationId.


To explain, I used the Geotechnical Module/Extension to import data from a third party database (HoleBase SI by Keynetix) and then wanted to turn these Points into Blocks. The problem being that when you create blocks from COGO Points the Blocks automatically create the attributes POINT, ELEV and DESC which take the values from the Point's table POINT NUMBER, POINT LEVEL and RAW DESCRIPTION respectively. Now, because the RAW DESCRIPTION field is hard coded by the Geotechnical Module, the data I want is in another column (LOCATIONID), which I cannot create an attribute for within the block editor. So instead of an attribute showing the RAW DESCRIPTION data, I need an attribute to show LOCATIONID data.


The simplest solution is to be able to move data from one column to another (copy from LOCATIONID to RAW DESCRIPTION) and then the data will populate the DESC attribute automatically as I need it to.


I think more control is required over how COGO Points are turned into Blocks once the option is chosen. It would be nice to be able to pick out what data to 'take with' the COGO Point into the Block.


From what I can gather, the ability to create new attributes that associate with existing Point data is not yet available. Please correct me if I am wrong!


In Civil 3D 2017 with Enhancement v1 loaded you can Add Property Set Data to Labels.


See: To Define a Property Set 


This isn't specifically what you want but might help.


Hi Allen,


Yeah I can add whatever data I like to the points, but getting that data transferred over to a block is somewhat more difficult.


Thanks for the feedback though, much appreciated.

Not applicable

You can create a User Defined Property, then create an Asci file with your data.  Only include the Point Number and LocationID fields in your ascii file.  Then import that ascii file.  It will add that data in the User Defined field in your point file per your instructions.  Then you will have the option to add that data to your point block.  I do like your idea of copying and pasting in the point data, however, for other uses.

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