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change width of the sample line in the properties form.

change width of the sample line in the properties form.

I would like to change the width (left and right), directly from the Properties form.

In the API, sample lines don´t have the left width and right width for writing them, I think that they are only for read. (In my app, I can put the coordinates of the extrems of the sample line, but I have to calculate those coordinates and I would prefer not to do it if I could put directly the width).


Moreover, if I drag a sample line on the alignment, put directly the station in the command line. I can only change the station in the properties form.





You can edit the width for one or many sample lines through the Sample Line Group dialog.


Yes, I know it.


But If I select them from the drawing, then they could appear in the properties form as a "various" value.

In this way (selecting the sample lines in the drawing) I don´t have to looking for them by station in the datatable that you mention. (sample lines tab)

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Peter Funk

Sr. Product Manager

Autodesk, Inc.


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