I'm not at work anylonger so I can't upload the file. I'll try and describe the steps below.
1. I have a completely flat surface created by a rectangular feature line.
2. I have a lot of foundations with varying sizes and elevations.
3. I trace the foundations with a feature line and then insert an elevation point per 0.1 meters. This to add detail to the triangulation (triangles).
4. I then use "Grading Creation Tools" to create a grading group including surface. Tessellation spacing set at 0.1 meters and tessellation angle at 0.1 degree. This is again to add detail to the triangulation.
5. I create my gradings and use infill.
6: As the foundations are sometimes quite close and with varying elevations I create a "combined" surface in which I paste the initial surface along with my grading. This is where my flat surfaces gets messed up and look like the screen dump above. I think it is because the edges of the gradings are varying by less than 1 mm in elevation.
7: I'm using data shortcuts and I add my combined surface to the DS and then start on the elevations at a lower elevation. I work my way from the top most foundation to the lowest.