road stake out/ setting out report query


road stake out/ setting out report query

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we are running C3D2017 & have a road design that is made of road corridors together with a centreline alignment but are having problems getting the data extracted so the surveyor can stake out/set out the road edges/ curbs/ channels/ storm drains. We can do a report for the centre line alignment using station/chainages with set distance offsets, the problem is this report doesn't give us transition points, eg. the point from a curb/ kerb straight string to curve string & vice versa or where the road widens & narrows each side, also we cant extract the low points for storm drains around these curbs/kerbs. Surely there must be a report for the road edges as how can you stake/set out a road from just a centreline or are we building the model wrong & should be using some thing other than corridors like doing the curbs as alignments??


7 Replies
Replies (7)


For this I would normally stake out from the following alignments Also building the corridor in such a way.


Centreline(main Road) picking up the highway features for that section and excluding the side road.

Centreline(Side Road) Picking up the highway features up until the beginning or just prior to the junction mouth.

SideRoad Left Channel line detailing from the channel line to the centreline & adjoining highway channel.

SideRoad Right Channel detailing from the Channel line to the centreline and adjoining highway channel.


Sorry I can't help much with the Reports, I do not use the OTB ones as they don't contain enough detail.


I use a custom built report which details the horizontal & vertical details at the Alignment and then reports selected points across the roadway as below.

I change the corridor section interval, export the points from the baseline and report them, delete and go again. I can also add Cogopoints where other features (Featurelines, Drainage items, Lamp posts etc) lie and report them too in the same document.



Station:  0.000    Geometry:  Type:Begin of Alignment,H:Radius: 23.523        
Easting:   528072.179    Northing: 150768.112    Bearing:  N89°42,49.20"W    Level:  77.572
Point Number Code Easting Northing Level Offset        
249 Crown 1.179 1.112 77.57 0        
216 EC 1.929 1.111 77.57 0.25        
282 BOK 1.679 1.109 77.57 0.5        


This reduces the need for multiple alignment / profile / stake out reports.


Mike Evans

Civil3D 2022 English
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz With 32768MB RAM, AMD FirePro V4900, Dedicated Memory: 984 MB, Shared Memory: 814 MB

Not applicable

thanks, maybe if autodesk are viewing this post they could make a road report in the next release so we can actually stake out what we design on C3D!!!



Why do you have to have a report?


Perhaps I am old school, middle school or no school but I have no problem with setting points where I need them, make a quick plan showing points and ship them to my data collector.


You did say it is for the surveyor, correct?




Not applicable

a report generates co-ords & levels from your road model automatically



I believe he is referring to what we call a Cutsheet.  It lists Sta, Offset, Cut/Fill, Design Elevation, Actual Elevation, etc.  These are normally generated in the office (for the design info), then the survey techs hand write in the actual elevation information and cut/fill.  This report then gets given to the contractor, so they can understand what the stakes are telling them, and can replace the stake if it gets destroyed or is too faded to read. 


SincPac does a report that is pretty good.  You can copy/paste it into a spreadsheet that can be given to the techs.  FYI - SincPac has a ton of features that make staking so much easier than using normal C3D. 




Not applicable

yes I must look into sincpac as your the second person to mention it


Not applicable
go to home points and select COGO point from corridor , there is two option for entire corridor range and for user specified range select on of them and press ok, then go to point group and export all point to CSV PENZ( comma delimited). hope it will help you.